But that seemed disrespectful.
Not remotely.
And I thought, I could have a stack of post cards there and people could write a note to her. That would be a good way to be with her.
I want so much to come do that.
It made me happy to think that according to Einstein she will have always been in this house and would always will be here.
My friend who is an actual clairvoyant...there's proof...agrees with Al on this front.
David, that is truly lovely.
You start an improv game with a brilliant, cute, hilarious, stylish girl and you do it for twenty years and it'll spoil you for playing with anybody else.
I mean, hell yes. I love that you had twenty and I hate that you didn’t have more.
Totally. I've *been* envious, but that's confusing in this exact instant.
Yeah, David, even in her pain and morphines state, she managed a real glint in her eye when she talked about wanting to haunt you!!
Timelies all!
Happy birthday meara and Jen K!
That sounds like a lovely idea, David.
Happy birthday, Meara and Jen.
That is beautiful, David.
It made me happy to think that according to Einstein she will have always been in this house and would always will be here. That it's only because I'm limited by human senses that I can only see forward on the timeline, only the cusp of time arriving and not backwards that I can't see her. But she's here. And we are here.
I love this a lot.
And the Haunting of [Zmayehm Housenumber Street Name] is the good kind of haunting, like a melody instead of, you know, a massacre.
I will not be okay in the sense that living with Jacqueline is an irreplaceable gift, that we are fully woven together, warp and woof, in a complex tapestry composed entirely of amusements and jokes and riffs and play. That this tapestry will be cut from the loom and the ends tied off and it will no longer be in the making but a finished thing. A beautiful piece but done, no longer in the act of creation.
This is so well said. You are in my thoughts all day. I hope you see this as a place you can express your grief and you’re not OKness. One of the beauties of this community is that I think we can be and show our real selves and I appreciate you sharing your real self
To hell with that no crying crap. I want people bawling their eyes out at my sendoff. There'll be plenty of good food, and stories and laughing are also encouraged, but tears are mandatory.
Well, that made me wail. Full on ugly cry.
hen I thought, I could get a beautiful funerary urn. Something Art Nouveau, or Arts and Crafts movement, and I could put the urn on her desk in the attic. And if people wanted to be with her they wouldn't have to go to a graveyard they could go sit at her desk.
And I thought, I could have a stack of post cards there and people could write a note to her. That would be a good way to be with her.
It made me happy to think that according to Einstein she will have always been in this house and would always will be here. That it's only because I'm limited by human senses that I can only see forward on the timeline, only the cusp of time arriving and not backwards that I can't see her. But she's here. And we are here.
I think this is perfect. One of the places my anger is focused is that JZ had so little time to enjoy this more comfortable phase of life. I like the thought of her being there.
I also mini-mearad on my phone, which is quite a feat for me.