Happy birthday, msbelle!
Yay for neg Covid tests!
No good on the anxiety inducing, juliana. Yes, they were doing the right thing but doesn't matter to lizard brains.
It turns out to be a counterfeit homing pigeon. Fake coos!
Australia does not mess with potentially disease-carrying critters. They have the hardest/strictest guidelines for pets as well.
br It's my job. (I don't remember how to do that fake html so assume I am closing the Files and Records tag here.)
Yay for negative Covid tests!
I'm eating last night's mashed potatoes. Lordy, I love potatoes.
I just had my first work call in about two years this morning - I'm going to do some part-time admin. (mostly) work for a charity founded by a friend of the family about 14 years ago (yikes!). Feels good!
ETA: Happy Birthday, msbelle!
Woo! Go team negative!
eta: and now I want mashed potatoes
Happy birthday, msbelle!
Happy negative test results!
Happy birthday and happy negative test results, msbelle!
Yay team negative!
Someone put a note on my car about being towed from the lot my landlord told people in my building we could also use. I think it was a Karenesque business tentant whose non-signal-using ass I followed into the lot this morning. I'm checking with the landlord just to make sure I'm right before busting out my red editing pen and correcting the grammatical errors & mistaken assumptions to nail up on the balcony post in front of that window.
I like your style, Matt. Once you ensure the lot was okay, red pen away.
I got the first dose of vaccine today! We all got jabbed at work, residents and staff. Much to my surprise, the office staff decorated with balloons and banners, and had t-shirts and stickers, as well.
We got the Pfizer vaccine, fwiw. And much to my surprise, it's a teensy little injection, over so quick you hardly have time to react. (I got to say, my arm is still a bit sore, because it's a deep one.)
So far no superpowers have developed....
Now if they could develop a vaccine that was delivered by radioactive arachnids ....