Yay team negative!
Someone put a note on my car about being towed from the lot my landlord told people in my building we could also use. I think it was a Karenesque business tentant whose non-signal-using ass I followed into the lot this morning. I'm checking with the landlord just to make sure I'm right before busting out my red editing pen and correcting the grammatical errors & mistaken assumptions to nail up on the balcony post in front of that window.
I like your style, Matt. Once you ensure the lot was okay, red pen away.
I got the first dose of vaccine today! We all got jabbed at work, residents and staff. Much to my surprise, the office staff decorated with balloons and banners, and had t-shirts and stickers, as well.
We got the Pfizer vaccine, fwiw. And much to my surprise, it's a teensy little injection, over so quick you hardly have time to react. (I got to say, my arm is still a bit sore, because it's a deep one.)
So far no superpowers have developed....
Now if they could develop a vaccine that was delivered by radioactive arachnids ....
a teensy little injection...it's a deep one
Resolve the contradiction, please?
I'm guessing it's a small needle.
Woo, Theo! Keep an eye on those superpowers
Theo, TCG's arm is still sore a couple days later.
Small needle, small payload -- I should have asked for the specific size, but compared to the amount in a flu shot, tiny amount of liquid involved. So it was like one of those 'TV medic' shots, jab the needle ALL the way in--push plunger--remove in one smooth action. I'd hardly had the time to count 'one-thousand' in my head!
I'm pretty sure it's the next least painful vaccination I've had in my life, since I can remember getting one on a sugar cube as a kid.