Cousin of the heart for sure!!
Congrats, Glam. With you on sadmad. Extra so now that I have a trans partner. In effing LA.
Why Monday, why? Already 3 practices with stupid issues, before 7:30 AM here!
This Monday is definitely for surviving. My assistant was moving like molasses in Jan despite my gentle exhortations to pick up the pace. She’s like me at that age, so it’s a wonderful opportunity (insert squinchy-eyes emoji here) to give my younger self grace while trying to establish boundaries and not micromanage.
This Monday is horrendous so far. We are 75% of the way through a project, and the client has decided now is the best time to question every single aspect of what we're doing.
K and I are waiting for a train to take us home from a weekend con in NYC. Train is delayed, my foot hurts, but it was fun and we made a new friend, can't complain (much).
JZ, so good to see your pixels again!
The physical therapist is here asking all the intake questions, and Tim is constitutionally incapable of giving a simple answer to any question. The answer to "Do you use a CPAP machine?" has lasted for 3 minutes now (I set a timer). It's driving me insane to listen to, and I bet it's driving the PT nuts, too. I'm tempted to leave the room, except I feel like I should be here.
My cousins of the heart!
but it was fun and we made a new friend, can't complain (much).
Sorry about the issues, but yay for fun and adventure.
K is my partner Kathryn, for those who haven't been following my FB. Or even those who have, I don't post that much.
Making a simple yes or no question into a soliloquy is one of my talents also. Carry on, Tim, my brother in Hamlet
Ha, yeah, I am the queen of qualifiers when answering questions sometimes.
Much love, healing, travel smoothing, anniversary celebrating, pain reducing, job enjoying, relationship geebling, transition supporting, and all-around comforting vibes, to all!
When I first came to the Board, it was after running from the eye-bleed, panic-inducing layouts of every other board I'd visited. It's so clean and calm here for an always sensitive, but especially visual noice avoiding, person like myself.
And, just now, I appalled myself by thinking, "Gee, I wish there was an emoji button."
I DIDN'T MEAN IT. I momentarily lost my mind. I'll lie down on the floor until it passes.
(And still, I just want to interact with and support all your posts. Even when time and focus are not available.)
If I am just talking to you, I might do that. Maybe a tangent or two, though I am getting better at connecting them to whatever my larger point was, these days.
But not with, you know, a bureaucrat or an intake such as Tep describes...sometimes, the one place I wish I could be like a militia man and make up a rank and serial number for myself, or almost. You wouldn't recognize me. But I have learned the hard way that there are places where being completely Myself doesn't pay off.