I read one of the OFMD fics! As anticipated, it was heartfelt and lovely and complicated.
The last one she wrote (about Lucius and his sister) is very Austen-ian if that appeals to any.
I haven't scheduled visits past Wednesday. Just going to have to see how much energy she has.
The house is emptying out after a very busy weekend. It's been lovely seeing people but it's also nice to have some quiet on a Sunday afternoon.
Quiet, a bit of hopefully rest for all of you.
The balance between wanting to see people and having enough rest is tricky. At least you should know that if at any moment you or Jacqueline are too tired, that is all you have to say to guests. You are both working with very limited energy resources.
I’ve been thinking that if I can’t find a UU congregation that clicks I’ll look into the ELCA.
I've got to put in a good word for the Episcopalians, too. Ten years in now, and it feels like home to me. (Except for the vestry. WHY did I agree to being on the VESTRY?! Bad move, Late 2021 Susan!)
Calli, seconding what sj said. And I personally experienced the Paxlovid rebound; it was not fun. So be on the lookout for that.
What Laura said about visitors. Very tricky balance. I know you won’t hesitate to speak up if JZ needs you to.
Calli, don’t push yourself too fast.
Thirding this -- don't be too demanding of yourself, friend.
JZ, lovely to see your greetings. Surrounding you with love.
I've got JZ's name entered in the prayer bowl in the assisted living residence chapel where they hold Daily Mass, so you'll have a bunch of prayers going out.
Hello JZ, lovely to see your pixels.
waves Hello, JZ! Lovely seeing your pixles.
I spent much of today catching up on I'm not sure how many hundreds of posts (I started early June late this morning). Far too much to meara, especially since my bedtime tends to be kinda early these days, but I'm glad to be caught up and I love you all.
Hopefully you saw my update on FB, since I think I never got around to x-posting it here. I'm not sure if I mentioned on there that my current treatment for the radiation damage to my bladder is hyperbaric chamber treatments. Which is substantially less cool than it sounds, and since it's every day (M-F) for 40 treatments, is kind of a slog. But it's an approved (by insurance even!) treatment, so fingers crossed for positive results!