Smonster, I’m so very happy for you!!! How many kids do they have? And I’m so glad the meds are working. I’m finally on a cocktail of meds that work wonders for me when they’re not out of stock at the pharmacy, and it really makes quite a difference.
I just got my volunteer job mansplained to me by a jerk who obviously didn’t see my “Not Today” t shirt.
Boo on mansplaining.
Two boys, 12 and 14. He told them yesterday and their mom, too. Their mom has a trans partner, too, so she’s very supportive.
The lesbian thing explains the moving-in thing. :-)
Are you going to be commuting from the Northshore?
Thanks for sharing that, and it's great to hear you sounding happy and balanced. Sometimes I love modern medicine.
I found some good books for ltc today. Who inexplicably is going to be 8 tomorrow!
Dana, you have no idea. She was the one who took the initiative to be exclusive. She left Hinge before I did. She loves to cook for me and take care of me.
Another wild thing is that I’m getting to explore my masc side a bit? It’s very strange. I feel like a cartoon wolf.
ltc is what now?
Oh, and yes on the commute. She lives off Military Road around Bush.
On top of all of this, I got bumped up to 80 mg Prozac and it’s a goddamn miracle. I actually cried the other night for my past self. I wasn’t making it up. It really was that hard. I can actually THINK now. There are almost no car alarms. I feel more motivated to do things.
That is so fucking awesome!!!
I still need to tell Tim* about Robby -- there will be much trans rejoicing!
Another wild thing is that I’m getting to explore my masc side a bit?
This is also very cool!!!
*Tim is napping after getting a shower. I was the chief showerer and hair-washer, and that shower would have been 30 minutes shorter if he didn't have hair down to the middle of his back. Holy balls, that is a lot of hair.
His incisions look beautiful -- very clean, no inflammation or drainage, just some pinkness where the staples went in. He's walking around the house very slowly, sometimes totally without the walker, and sometimes with. He still has some pain, but the pain meds are helping. The only really annoying aftereffect is edema in his legs and feet. His legs are already less puffy, but his feet are super puffy, because gravity is making his feet bear the brunt of it. It'll subside, but not quickly enough.
Smonster, she’s a big kid going into 2nd grade. Stubborn, opinionated, and way too smart. She reads up a storm, mostly middle grade graphic novels, and unfortunately has a little more than a touch of my anxiety.