That breakfast sounds amazing! I had cold pizza, which I was happy with but it’s no lemon curd on Devon cream. So glad to hear JZ is getting delicious calories!
I hope Bane can make Tim feel less terrible. Recovering from surgery is emotionally hard on top of the physical insult (ultimately helpful but still tough). I wish you strength in taking up your litter box cleaning duties, Tep. I know Murderbiscuit won’t show any appreciation.
Hi Anne!
Hi, Anne!
I wish you strength in taking up your litter box cleaning duties, Tep. I know Murderbiscuit won’t show any appreciation.
His idea of appreciation is defiling the newly clean box immediately after I clean it. I guess it's appreciation for a job well done?
Timelies! It has been forever and a day since I've been around these parts, but I wanted to make sure to send the family Zmayhem all my love.
Awww, thanks, Anne. Love received.
Lunch update:
English muffin tuna melt consumed completely! Two for two on meals today.
Yay meals! (And now I want lemon curd.)
I’m standing in a long line for fancy croissants in downtown Melbourne but it wasn’t until I was already in line and waiting that I realized this location (a couple blocks from our hotel) doesn’t have their coolest flavors!!! Boooooo. I wanted the chocolate orange croissant!
wow, one of my favorite flavor combinations, meara.
Good news about the returning appetites, Hec.
Can't believe someone from our Disabilities team meeting is spending time on the weekend worrying about the agenda for next time already. If we were friends in addition to being comrades, I might tell her to get laid, sniff a flower, paint her toenails, but we kind of don't get each other anyway. I want momentum, too, but I don't want to be a machine. Even for social justice...
Because I am even more burned out on Zoom meetings than usual after spending yesterday on what seems like a worthy-but-doomed attempt to solve the caregiving crisis in our state. The reason why it seems doomed is because the best solution would be to offer better pay and benefits for people that do caregiving. That's it. But the suits don't want to hear that so we talk about pilot projects, and partnerships with schools and colleges. Of all the things I wanted to be when I grew up, not one of them was a "stakeholder"
Sometimes my work is so collective, I feel like I am losing touch with myself and might not even have a reflection anymore(Mixed feelings about that, since I usually don't like what I see, either)