Picturing the spinny hourglass thing, maybe a status bar crawling to the right. Then we'll have to restart.
Jan 1-20 is just 2021 buffering?
That's just an immune system response, right? Your body goes, "Hey, I know this guy. He's an asshat. Go get him."
Yep, same as a flu shot. Fever/inflammation/etc are mostly caused by your immune system trying to make your body as inhospitable as possible.
My brother works in a medical lab and received his first Covid vaccine last week! Woo hoo for antibodies!
My ER doc friend got her 2nd shot today! And I think all my medical personnel friends have gotten their 1st shot at least.
Jan 1-20 is just 2021 buffering?
And it's one of those stupid Windows ones that says "15 minutes remaining...sixty-three years remaning...2 seconds remaining.............15 minutes remaining."
She said she also talked to Dad and mentioned current events about the Capitol and the attack and she said he had no idea what was going on. That he barely seemed aware. He doesn't really watch the news and I don't think he goes online to get news from too many sources, he doesn't use social media at all, so I guess it's easy for him to stay in a no information bubble. She urged him to go and look at the news and read about what was happening.
This is very much on my mind right now. I set up The View to record, but was watching C-SPAN impeachment coverage. A friend of mine tweeted about The View, so I turned it on, and my ABC affiliate was showing ABC New division's impeachment coverage.
I'm in Boston. My friend is in Chicago. The Chicago media market covers a good deal of red-state real estate, in addition to blue Chicago proper.
The Chicago ABC affiliate is even owned and operated by the Disney ABC Television Group, so it's not like it's a Sinclair owned station. The View falls under the ABC News division. In other words, ABC decided not to inform people via ABC News, i.e. it's not only Fox, OANN, Sinclair, Breitbart, etc. at fault for dividing, misinforming, and un-informing us.
Anyhow, if you're on Twitter, I'd appreciate if you'd answer and retweet my little poll about it.
And it's one of those stupid Windows ones that says "15 minutes remaining...sixty-three years remaning...2 seconds remaining.............15 minutes remaining."
My Mac did that one yesterday. It took 3 hours and two calls to IT for an upgrade that claimed it would take 45 minutes.
Jim Jordan just spoke and rambled on incoherently about cancel culture and the space race.
.are you camping in a tent in your backyard?
Hahahah no. I have a patio tent thing outside, like people put up for farmers markets or sports sidelines? Because it rains so much here but usually is more sprinkles rather than pouring. But the last tent broke in a storm and I just put the new one up a week or two ago.
2021 is definitely one of those installations that keeps changing how much time is left!! Maybe that’s related to why all week I keep thinking it’s a day later than it is.
I am near a major road and several hospitals and a fire station, so I hear a lot of sirens. There seemed like a lot but I didn’t really notice until my ex roommate texted to say “I heard there was a big fire near you, all ok?” At which point I looked out my window and realized I could see where all those sirens had ended up! (Kitty corner down the block, an abandoned house, no danger here, but I laugh that I didn’t look out the window and notice until she texted!)
Oh, wow, meara! Glad you aren't in danger. That is pretty funny that it took a text to look out your window!
meara, one time we had snow here in San Antonio right outside my window and I didn't realize until I turned on the TV and the local news had a Snow Special on.