I'm going to be the mystery next. I met with my lawyer about accepting the settlement. I feel a lot better about the whole thing and since it's going to be handled as a quasi termination I probably won't be going back to work. (I probably should have emptied out my locker yesterday but I dont' have anything important in there). The lawyer is going to try and get a little extra money for future medical expenses but she isn't sure it will happen. It will take about a month for me to get all the final stuff and sign the settlement.
At this point I feel like this is the best outcome.
sj--glad for the shorter trip to your mom's. And I hope that ltc has an awesome Grandma Weekend.
askye, I’m glad you finally have that settled. Are you able to look for other work at this point?
I hope that feels like a relief and you can move on from here, askye.
Aches and pains today made me think "damn, I'm getting old!" but then I remembered that yesterday I hauled bags of rocks to fill in a sunken area around my carport gutter drain and the cesspool/water feature in my back yard, then repeatedly climbed up and down a ladder to install my hanging planter. And early this morning I tried unsuccessfully to dig up a nandina in the vacant lot down the street. So not exactly a case of just sleeping wrong.
Yeah, you know, I was feeling a twinge in my back and pain in my knees this morning but I spent yesterday moving furniture up and down stairs! So I bet that would do it. Still, I am getting old.
sj-yes I'm working to update my resume on Indeed right now and I've been looking at jobs to apply for. I'm sticking with retail right now but trying to find something that isn't primarily a cashier job but that's kind of limiting. I don't want to deviate too much from what I'm doing just to make things easier for me. I'm also not looking at whatever job I get as necessarily a long term thing but accepting that it might be just something to figure out how I'll be doing wiht the concussion and stuff.
All good vibes your way, askye.
askye - have you considered going back to legal?
(It’s a decision I’m making myself at the moment.)
Trudy, I never really did anything with that, well I did a little but it was a long time ago. Right now with the issues I've had concentration since the accident I want to stay with something more low key. At least right now but it's something to think about for the future.
That makes a lot of sense!
I know I need to work on my resume, even what I have on Indeed but I did update and then just applied for a job I don't really want so now that hurdle of "oh crap I have to start applying" is kind of out of the way.