Work cackling: you know what happens when I wake up too early and a poorly-scheduled/thought out documentation request is casually sent to me in Slack? I get spiteful, write up an entire
"this is how documentation will be planned and requested for 2021"
document and give the release manager a heads-up, which leads to them gleefully adding me to the weekly PM meeting.
The moral: do not piss off a technical writer who has run content planning PM thunderdomes before, it will go poorly for you.
I would bet he did, name recognition is a big advantage. I know I took a long time to figure out why his name was familiar - you know how it is with Congresscritters, especially Reps, there are so many of them that whenever a name seems vaguely familiar I have to think "Why do I know that name, are they evil?" so I have to look them up and looking him up never got me to Law & Order until Jesse made a comment about it and the light bulb went on. I'm not in his district but I bet plenty of people like me are. I"m glad he has turned out to be someone I actually like!
::Picturing the governess glare that goes with Atropa's post::
I feel like a personification of the Gritty
"Fuck around and find out"
meme. I'm not even really mad (that was yesterday), I'm cackling in menacing glee.
The moral: do not piss off a technical writer who has run content planning PM thunderdomes before, it will go poorly for you.
Two codes enter, one code ... runs?
I didn't get the Adam Schiff Law and Order thing until right now, and I mainlined original recipe Law & Order for years. D'oh.
When Congressman Adam Schiff comes up, I always think of actor Richard Schiff (i.e. Toby on The West Wing), and then I waste an hour wishing we were in the Bartlet-presidency universe.
I mean...Sorkin was on drugs, but not the stuff that produces all this here.
Two codes enter, one code ... runs?
Multiple PMs enter, one PM leaves with top priority for documentation. All other PMs must think about their choices and what bribes they're offering me.
One little irony occurred to me - the people who forced their way into the Capitol were, mostly, without masks (of course). I've heard that facial recognition software doesn't work well on anyone except white men.
Cindy, here's nuts-taser guy: [link]
wow ... that's the guy who's being eulogized in various places ... good family man and all that