Teppy I hate those mystery headaches that might become a migraine or might go away entirely with some Tylenol. The worst.
I gave in and took Ubrelvy and whaddya know? The headache went away after about 90 minutes. So I guessed correctly. Steph: 1; Migraine: 0.
Everything crossed for JZ. And all the love.
Huzzah for all the yoga, Steph!!! I’ve been pretty steady with the 2x a week but can’t seem to get to 3 despite all the free time I have mostly not working.
Clinical trial~ma, JZ!
I'd forgotten it was Pi(e) Day yesterday until I went to our local pizzeria's website while trying to decide what to order for dinner. When I saw they were offering a buy one, get the second for $3.14 deal, my decision became very simple.
JZ and DavidS, wishing you safe and easy travel, good test results, and effective treatments.
Nothing like starting off your workday with a panic attack
Feeling better now.
Feeling better now.
"It got better." - Monty Python
No panic attacks, please!
The boss is aware and understanding. She has her faults, but she really does get that we are all suffering from chaos being foisted on us (not all by her, mind you) from the sr leadership.
We have new staff starting in several areas and more offers going out this week, plus several interviews going on, so we are hoping that more hands will lessen the stress.
I hope the potential lessened stress is actualized, msbelle!
Msbelle hope that things go smoothly at work soon.
And lots of healing ~ma to everyone who needs it. Especially JZ.
I had my 3 month vyvanse follow up, where I show up and go I'm still doing well with this, please let me call you for 3 more months to get prescriptions filled. . I did talk to him about my anxiety which has been a small obstacle on some days (and some a bigger one) since I quit duloxetine. So we talked about trying a very low dose of Lexapro, which has the same excessive sweating side effect of duloxetine but at this dose it's a 3% chance so I'm going to try it. And since this is my GP I also talked about my blood pressure for my last appointments which have been high.
Granted I've been in pain from the ear infection and I also get turned around and drive in circles trying to find his stupid office in the medical park maze . And where I went for the colonoscopy pre appointment was just as bad. But when my BP was retaken it only went down some. My dr said it's borderline what he would start prescribing medication but he doesn't want to do that now and that high blood pressure is definitely something to watch for being on stimulant. and my blood sugar was borderline. So he had them do a A1C finger stick blood test thing and I'm going to monitor my blood pressure at home and make a serious effort to change my eating habits and then in 3 months we will see what is going on. Unless my A1C levels need to be addressed.
I'm not going to try a drastic change to my diet because I don't think I could handle that living with 2 people who make sure there are snacks all the time and who cook more on the heavy side. Instead my first goal is going to increase veggies and fruits and try to cook more so I have more control over dinner.