I hope it comes back on quickly, Dana. Catching up on reading is great, but since you can also do that with power, I feel good about my hopes for you.
I have tidied for the cleaners who are coming uncharacteristically early tomorrow morning, and if I waited until the morning, I wouldn't be able to go to the pool, so screw that.
Tropical vacation sounds lovely. Enjoy.
Power is back on, and it doesn't seem like any tornados touched down.
I'm going into the busiest season of the year with possibly only 2 staff members (down from 7). 2 left for promotions, 1 is on maternity leave, 1 is a new position, and 1 is interviewing for a promotion.
... yeah. So that's a thing.
Which is why I'm sitting on my couch watching Youtube videos about Star Wars, and drinking some wine which costs too much to be opened on a weekday.
Which is why I'm sitting on my couch watching Youtube videos about Star Wars, and drinking some wine which costs too much to be opened on a weekday.
I think this is a sound strategy. I mean Friday's just over the horizon.
Power is back on, and it doesn't seem like any tornados touched down.
Yikes, 'Suela. That's some serious attrition.
Work continues to be bullshit.
I would like crawl into a warm dark comfy hole for a while.
I'm not getting much done today so I decided to make it official and actually take the afternoon off!
I'm not getting much done today. There's not too much that I really have to do, but I don't feel like doing any of it.
Had to deal with a student cheating, which was really not fun. (On one of the days when I was out with Covid, there was a quiz in class. He knew there'd be a substitute there who didn't know the students, so he got someone else to take his quiz for him. He was also in class that day, so that he could turn in the quiz that had his name on it just in case the sub was checking IDs, and so his friend had to also turn in a quiz so that it wouldn't be obvious that there was someone leaving without handing anything in. We caught them because there was that extra paper with a name of someone who wasn't enrolled in the class, with an ID number that didn't match anyone at the university. With the way that our grading system works, each individual paper has a number on it, and they were handed out in order, so it was pretty quick to figure out who was sitting next to the mystery student and start comparing handwriting. And then last night, at the midterm, when he already knew that we suspected something but we hadn't actually sat down to talk to him about it yet, he cheated AGAIN -- there were different versions of the midterm, with similar questions but in a different order and with the numbers changed a bit, and we hand them out so that people sitting next to each other don't have the same version, and he switched papers so that he'd have the same version as his friend, who was sitting next to him. Which really didn't help either of them, since neither of them actually know what they're doing.)
Ugh, Hil!
Way to go, Jesse!
I am feeling better today so I am working which is kind of disappointing, but hopefully I will be well all weekend which should be nice