I'm not getting much done today. There's not too much that I really have to do, but I don't feel like doing any of it.
Had to deal with a student cheating, which was really not fun. (On one of the days when I was out with Covid, there was a quiz in class. He knew there'd be a substitute there who didn't know the students, so he got someone else to take his quiz for him. He was also in class that day, so that he could turn in the quiz that had his name on it just in case the sub was checking IDs, and so his friend had to also turn in a quiz so that it wouldn't be obvious that there was someone leaving without handing anything in. We caught them because there was that extra paper with a name of someone who wasn't enrolled in the class, with an ID number that didn't match anyone at the university. With the way that our grading system works, each individual paper has a number on it, and they were handed out in order, so it was pretty quick to figure out who was sitting next to the mystery student and start comparing handwriting. And then last night, at the midterm, when he already knew that we suspected something but we hadn't actually sat down to talk to him about it yet, he cheated AGAIN -- there were different versions of the midterm, with similar questions but in a different order and with the numbers changed a bit, and we hand them out so that people sitting next to each other don't have the same version, and he switched papers so that he'd have the same version as his friend, who was sitting next to him. Which really didn't help either of them, since neither of them actually know what they're doing.)
Ugh, Hil!
Way to go, Jesse!
I am feeling better today so I am working which is kind of disappointing, but hopefully I will be well all weekend which should be nice
Dealing with cheating is never a good time.
sounds frustrating(and kind of stupid, too.)
Oh damn, Hil, that's no good.
It's been a weird week of ups and downs.
Bad news: Last Friday, I received a letter from Social Security telling me that they are re-evaluating my circumstances. They require me to complete half-a-dozen pages of forms, then mail them back along with copies of all my paystubs since January of 2021.
Good news: My employer has my paystubs available online.
Bad news: The online tool to print out a report of all the paystubs in one document isn't working.
Tedious news: I was able to download and print fifty-five paystubs, one at a time.
Bad news: Last Saturday, when I went online to order my regular monthly refill of my specialty medication, I discovered my oncologist hadn't renewed the prescription yet. I sent a message to her via MyChart.
Good news: On Monday morning, the oncologist's office responded to my message.
Good news: At lunchtime on Monday, I was able to send a package by certified mail off to Social Security. Delivery expected on Thursday.
Bad news: Wednesday morning, I still couldn't place my prescription renewal order.
Good news: Wednesday night, I was finally able to complete the renewal order.
Mediocre news: Prescription delivery was forecast for Monday, but that left me only three days' margin.
Conflicting news: The specialty pharmacy's email on Thursday again said to expect my meds to be delivered on Monday. FedEx's email on Thursday said to expect delivery three days sooner, on Friday.
Bad news: My certified mail to Social Security wasn't delivered on Thursday. Or Friday.
Good news: FedEx delivered today (Friday)! I have meds for 35 more days!
Disappointing news: The bottle was packaged in a tear-open pouch, instead of the usual heavy-gauge ziploc bags. I feel oddly bereft.
Timelies all!
That's a lot of ups and downs, dcp.
No set plans for the weekend. There's the usual grocery run tomorrow and I want to return some books to the library.
That's a lot, dcp! Good luck with Social Security. I don't understand certified mail not getting delivered when it is supposed to. What is the point of certified mail if it doesn't get delivered? Weather related, maybe?
I ended up working an extra hour today because when someone sends out an email saying “can you look into this?” I think “surely this can wait until Monday” but despite myself I do, in fact, look into it because I am curious. Oh well, there’s a sr mgr whose grateful to me for my partial fix, so that’s nice.
Anyway, now ready to curl up, eat something out of a can and maybe watch the Mandalorian.
Tim and his brothers decided at the last minute to go camping this weekend, but then the weather got SUPER bad in exactly the path they would be driving for 3 hours, so instead of leaving this afternoon, they're leaving at 5 a.m. tomorrow. Which is insane, but hey, I'm not the one who's doing it, so more power to them.
My latest attempt to do something craft-like — the clay handbuilding pottery class — starts tomorrow morning. Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled like the previous 2 things I tried.
And then I don't really have any plans for shenanigans while Tim is camping. Maybe I'll eat a pile of sushi and finish watching the episodes of Interview With the Vampire that I haven't watched yet.