Apparently, it's arkuhPELLago. Whatever, Big Geography!
Epitome is the one I purposefully mispronounce but then occasionally assure listeners that I'm doing it in purpose, which pretty much takes away the "funny," which is probably not all that funny anyway. But, there it is.
I started work at 6a this morning, so I am SUPER done. And ordering food.
I say "Supposably" and "it fucken wimdy" a lot.
I'm constantly either explaining "it fucken wimdy" to not-extremely-online people or keeping myself from saying it!
I'm currently concerned about removing and preserving its extremely cool stickers (fanart for Over the Garden Wall, Our Flag Means Death, Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Beetlejuice, plus one local Miyazaki/public transit mashup with an orange catbus named Mewni).
See, this is why I never stick stickers on anything. (And that has been true since childhood.)
I need a nap just thinking about it.
And you should have a nap!!
I remain PISSY though and am just trying to get stuff off my desk without having to talk to people, most specifically my boss.
That sounds right.
Also I have apparently been pronouncing desultory in the British manner all this time. [link]
I played hooky this afternoon. Had my son cover for my work and went to the beach for TWO hours. Swam in the ocean a couple times and caught some rays. Surf temp is 80, which is ridiculous this time of year. The condo has a grill in the beach club area you can reserve so I am using it tonight and having dinner poolside. I feel utterly decadent.
Even with all this discussion I cannot remember from one post to another what the pronunciation of desultory is supposed to be. Or how I usually want to say it, anymore. I don't think I believe it's a word anymore.
Laura, your afternoon and evening sound perfect, and I am exceedingly jealous but ALSO very happy for you!
I don't think I believe it's a word anymore.
I was about to say that exact thing. I listened to both pronunciations and they made almost no sense to me. (Semantic satiation!)
what the pronunciation of desultory is supposed to be. Or how I usually want to say it, anymore.
How To Pronounce "Desultory": [link]
It's more like "desolate" than I thought with the emphasis on the first syllable.
I don't think I believe it's a word anymore.
Tartlet, tartlet...
I don’t think I’ve ever tried to pronounce desultory, but I think in my mind I was pronouncing it wrong? But now I just listened to several pronunciations online and will probably still never use it. I knew archipelago though—but was tripped up by biopic always—in my head it’s always bi-opic rather than bio-pic. Even if that makes no sense.
-t my dad and one of his friends had a long running thing about Bar Fly!! I think you’re the only other person I’ve ever heard mention that movie. I’ve never watched it.
Also I have apparently been pronouncing desultory in the British manner all this time.
Due to working with British colleagues for over a decade now, there are a number of words I pronounce in the British manner because they’re just more fun that way! I love this “schedule” and their “regulatory” so much more than ours. So I’ve made them mine.
X-post. So editing to add:
-t my dad and one of his friends had a long running thing about Bar Fly!! I think you’re the only other person I’ve ever heard mention that movie. I’ve never watched it.
Oh I’ve called it Barf-ly for eons too because it calls for it!