Happy birthday, minus t!
It looks scrumptious already.
So, everything has decided to go kablooey simultaneously.
Dishwasher's down. Sink is backing up. Disposal doesn't work. Toilet is clogging. The SMEG refuses to make coffee.
Worse, JZ made a powder protein shake in a coffee travel mug and then forgot about it. A month ago.
So...at 5am yesterday morning we're woken up by a loud bang and clatter. I rush out thinking I'll find that Jacqueline has fallen down or knocked something over. And as I get to the kitchen I smell an awful vomitous stench.
Matilda yells, "What is it?"
I reply, "I think mommy fell down and threw up!"
From the bedroom, Jacqueline says, "No, I didn't! I'm fine."
The kitchen smells like puke and I can't tell what's going on. All I can see is the lid to a travel mug on the floor.
I take a picture of it and show it to Jacqueline and she says, "Oh yeah, I made a protein shake in that. I thought I put it in the fridge."
So it fermented in it's tightly packed and sealed travel mug and exploded. But I couldn't find the mug itself. Nor signs of the protein shake. Because I was looking on the floor and the wrong side of the kitchen.
The mug was twenty five feet away and when it blew it shot the mug top off the ceiling, spewing mess up the wall, and Stank Shake all over the counter.
So we've cleaned the whole thing up multiple times now with everything from 409 to lemon juice and water and it still stinks in there. Airing it out doesn't help.
I need some mega-Febreze option which will capture and destroy the stench because I've washed every surface five times.