What did Alibelle suggest? Some kind of Ensure? That sucks. I hope it’s going better today.
I had realized I was scrolling with my middle finger on the mouse scroll wheel too much. So figured out how to order a new mouse from our portal….which the only ergonomic option was like $130? And oops got it and it’s not really what I need but also the company software blocks the mouse software so I can’t even set it up? Argh. May go buy my own dang mouse but they’re ridiculous expensive to find one with a thumb scroll wheel because it’s for designers and gamers. Doesn’t anyone else not have a buff middle finger? Lol
As I was reading this, I realized I was scrolling with the mouse wheel using my index finger, not the middle.
Lol yeah I need to work on that part too, Tom. I tried using my left hand (I am left handed) but that sucks because then I can’t mouse with one hand and write things down simultaneously with the other
What did Alibelle suggest? Some kind of Ensure?
Yep. It's called Core Power.
Flavor wise, and in order:
Core Power
Muscle Milk
Ensure (she found this yucky)
Core Power is an awesome name. It feels like the kind of phrase He-Man would shout before downing it in one huge gulp.
Core Power is an awesome name. It feels like the kind of phrase He-Man would shout before downing it in one huge gulp.
I'm going to insist that JZ does this before she quaffs her protein shake.
As I was reading this, I realized I was scrolling with the mouse wheel using my index finger, not the middle.
Yeah, that's what I do, but that's the kind of muscle memory thing that would be so hard to change! I just tried with my middle finger, and nope.
Core Power is an awesome name. It feels like the kind of phrase He-Man would shout before downing it in one huge gulp.
Yes, index finger.
I think I might be done with productive work for the day. Kinda just don’t wanna
Isn't Core Power a yoga chain?
Sadness: Shouted CORE POWER!, lacked necessary hand strength to open bottle. Now waiting like a chump for Hec to come home.
eta: Second time worked--clearly it's a two-shout job. However, the drink is just cool enough that I feel like I have knives in the back of my throat when I swallow, so I'll still wait for Hec to come back so he can heat it up a bit.