As I was reading this, I realized I was scrolling with the mouse wheel using my index finger, not the middle.
Yeah, that's what I do, but that's the kind of muscle memory thing that would be so hard to change! I just tried with my middle finger, and nope.
Core Power is an awesome name. It feels like the kind of phrase He-Man would shout before downing it in one huge gulp.
Yes, index finger.
I think I might be done with productive work for the day. Kinda just don’t wanna
Isn't Core Power a yoga chain?
Sadness: Shouted CORE POWER!, lacked necessary hand strength to open bottle. Now waiting like a chump for Hec to come home.
eta: Second time worked--clearly it's a two-shout job. However, the drink is just cool enough that I feel like I have knives in the back of my throat when I swallow, so I'll still wait for Hec to come back so he can heat it up a bit.
RE: The Mouse discussion.
I'm a devotee of the big Kensington trackballs. I've been using them for...yikes decades at this point. I'm also a mechanical keyboard nut.
Second time worked--clearly it's a two-shout job.
You are mighty and powerful beyond compare, my queen.
However, the drink is just cool enough that I feel like I have knives in the back of my throat when I swallow
This is not a ringing endorsement.
It *tastes* fine; I'm just not able to get anything down that's room temp or below. It could be Dom Perignon and I'd feel the knives.
Happily, that fades after a couple of days. After the first dose I was craving Diet Coke and root beer so much I was hallucinating about them, and finally someone said, "It's not permanent. By week two you should be fine." But for right now, knives all the way, baby.
But for right now, knives all the way, baby.
Well, that's a bitch of a side effect. Glad it's only temporary, because hot Dom Perignon is nasty.
After the first dose I was craving Diet Coke and root beer so much I was hallucinating about them
Hot Dr Pepper, especially with lemon and/or orange slices, is actually pretty good.
That’s a sucky side effect!!
I do agree that Core Power is pretty good as protein shakes go. It’s from the Fairlife milk company—they also have some Fairlife brand shakes that I got at Costco once that basically just taste like milk? Those aren’t as easy to find though.