Susan, I know finding out there are pre cancerous markers is scary but you now have really important health information that you didn't have before and you can be proactive about this and take care of things while it's still precancerous.
So far the aspirin seems to be working on the flushing side effects.
Well, the good-job-news~ma worked like a charm, y'all. I'm moving to a new position under my favorite manager, for more money, and with the chance to learn a bunch of cool things. And I didn't have to go through the interview process for it—my future manage just went to HR and said, "We need her on our team. Please make it happen." Yay!
Congrats, Calli! That's so good to hear!
Thanks, y'all! I'm pretty chuffed. I've been at my current workplace for seven years, and I've felt a bit like I've been stagnating for the past year or so.
Great news, Calli!
I just really, really was starting to feel like I'd started kicking long Covid out the door, so the possibility reality of being Covid+ is stressful because what if the long Covid comes back? Without much sciencing to read up on, I don't know what to expect long-term.
Maybe your fresh crop of antibodies knocks out the long COVID once and for all? Purely anecdata, but my “tested positive, felt lousy for two days“ second bout in November put an end to the lingering fatigue and breathyness I’d endured since my proper scary first bout in the middle of September.
Congrats Calli! I'm so glad you're getting to stay with your team but also move up!!
Yeah, I had another friend who was really hit hard by long covid, and then he had another bout of it and did Pavloxid and he finally started having energy again.