Sheeesh. I need an Ativan after reading JZ and Hec's med odyssey. I hope you have/get what you need. I am so sorry you have to deal with b.s. like this ever, but especially right now.
It's inhumane. I really had to restrain myself from going full-on Shirley MacLaine, when we hit the bureaucracy wall for my mother's meds.
I’m so glad that my catch-up saw the solution (or at least a temporary one) I was really hoping I wouldn’t get to the end and it’s still a shitshow!! And glad you got to see Nanita and she got to see you, and the house!
I drove allllll day (about 830am to 730pm) and need to do the same thing again tomorrow. Ack. But I will be glad to get home. And giving the dog a Benadryl seemed to work pretty well for him in the car, thankfully. We are now in Redding and hoping to get home to seattle tomorrow night. Fingers crossed.
I'm very tired, but we got the meds. Primarily because of Dr. S.
It's weird because with a cancer diagnosis you don't usually think the most stressful parts will be (a) getting past the ER waiting room to get a CT scan; (b) sleeping on a gurney in a loud, brightly lit hallway for two nights with several loud neighbors; and (c) filling your prescription.
We haven't even gotten to surgery and chemo yet.
I mean...Jacqueline really hasn't even been able to start to process the diagnosis yet. It's all been so fraught and fucky.
Tomorrow should [knock wood] be easier.
JZ and David, I'm relieved that you got the meds, but I'm also livid that you had to jump through so many hoops to get them. It's a dystopian healthcare system, and it shouldn't be like this. I'm sorry.
I hope Hec and JZ both got a good night’s sleep not having to worry about running out of meds last night.
So glad Hec was able to get your meds, JZ. Thank you Dr. S, wherever you are.
My cousin had his knee replaced just before Christmas. The nerve block, which I gather (second hand reports) is in something they insert in the groin, leaked externally (fell out of place, maybe), and didn't work, but they couldn't/didn't replace it.
The hospitalist didn't want to give him oxycodone. This man is 60 years old, with no history of addiction, but with 40 years of watching his father live with ankylosing spondylitis (i.e. a thorough understanding of pain). He gave them an impromptu treatise on the purpose of opioids in management of severe pain and got his meds. Don't eff with a middle school principal. He faces tougher customers than you every morning.
The hospitalist system, by the way, sucks. Your own doctor has a good idea of you as a person and patient. I think it's very easy for hospitalists to look at people as med seekers, because every patient is a stranger.
The personal relationship with doctors really is helpful. Since they text me with their problems all the time I don't hesitate to text them when I have an issue. The part that makes me sick is that all patients should be listened to and treated right, not just those of us who work with doctors.
I'm skyping with E and they went to DC yesterday and the Smithsonian (I think) and he texted me a few pictures (he got a phone for Xmas! he is so happy) but today he was telling me about what they say-- C3PO and R2D2, Muppets
Elmo and "the trash can guy from Elmo....The trash can guy from Elmo.... I asked him if he meant Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street and he was like "yeah if that's the trash can guy". He never watched Sesame Street so I guess it's understandable he doesn't know Oscar the Grouch and he didn't watch a lot of tv and stuff (still doesn't) so it's weird when he has these gaps in pop culture. Although it might be his age ...
Timelies all!
Glad you got your meds, JZ.
Oscar isn’t used in Sesame Street nearly as much as he was when we were kids.
I just woke up from a much needed nap trying to figure out who was texting me so much. It’s the grocery order I placed before I fell asleep being shopped.