sj - this is still them trying to cover up their mistakes.
I would contact corporate: with an email they have, Tweet at them if they are are still on Twitter and leave a message on their FB page (if they have one).
and when you do talk to the point person again and corporate you should ask if the point person why she didn't reschedule when she had 4 people available, why it she never communicated to you that there was a manpower issue so that you could make an informed decision about rescheduling or making alternative arrangements. You are also confused about why, when the 2 employees realized they weren't going to be able to fulfill the contract to deep clean your home they didn't notify the point person and you weren't informed so you could reschedule or make other arrangements. (Ie cancel on them and find someone else)
Do they have anything in writing about what would happen if they get to a home and realize the job will take more time/people? Because I'd for that too.
You didn't do anything wrong- you got sick and had to reschedule, that happens and a business like MM has to have policies in place to handle this situation.
And at this point I would push for a full refund because it's taking so much time to get this situation rectified.
So aggravated for you Hec and JZ. It's abominable on all fronts, this runaround.
askye, excellent points, most of which I didn't even think about.
Today is a slow day here -- two meetings done, and now working on a fundraising email that I want to send by the end of the day, so that should be more than doable.
Jessica is right, sj. Let them finish the job and after that is done, explain politely that you will not use them again and will leave reviews (we can write those) of your experience.
These are her best people and she never gets any complaints about them.
She has a complaint about them. A valid one.
What a nightmare for JZ. I hope it's resolved very soon.
Askye l, I know it is, but I honestly can’t figure out what to do about it. I cannot break through the wall of corporate speak.
I hate what the Zmayhems are going through it's bad enough to deal with regular prescription BS but in this situation it's just...beyond.
JenP I've been on the other side of the customer service issue and trying to resolve problems for customers and I know that isn't the way to handle the situation. Plus Iv'e had to deal with a similar situation a few times.
sj --yeah figuring out how to word things can be difficult. I found some sample complaint letters that might help you figure out the wording. are you having trouble with what they are saying or how to word what you want to say?
sj, I think you can copy and paste a lot of what Askye said verbatim. Sorry you are having to deal with this! It’s definitely not in any way your fault.
She is mostly contacting me over the phone and is supposed to come here to look at the sheets. I can write just fine but face to face or over the phone I get tongue tied and forget the point I wanted to make.
sj _ I found some templates for complaint letters
I think these 2 are the best. When you are thinking about what you want for compensation you want to aim high (full refund maybe) and then if they won't budge on that you can go down to partial refund (2/3 or half or whatever)
JZ- I hope the boss is able to come through. Honestly that backchannel does seem to work. Even wearing my School of Nursing badge when visiting my uncle made things a lot easier.
It is very angering and scary
Sj- I haven’t seen msbelle around lately, but she is VERY GOOD at doing those things. I would actually like to set her to talk to the pharmacy as well. I used to be good at doing it (for other people) as well, but I have lost my touch.