Is that a thing they've said they'll do, mear? That seems as wrong as us not getting anything after we filed in 2020.
Cindy, no, supposedly they won’t take it back, even though they say they’ll retroactively give it to folks who made less in 2020. But I don’t really trust it....I researched a bit and there wasn’t really much about it (a rather less common situation) but since everything seeemed to agree it wouldn’t get taken back, I donated it all to a few places. If I do have to pay it back, so be it, I’ll just be irked, but having a bit of extra charitable donation won’t kill me or anything.
I don’t, however, really want to get up and work tomorrow. A week and a half off has been v nice.
We filed 2019 nice and early in 2020 which screwed us. 2018 was a bad year, and if we had gotten the first check based on that we would have gotten more money. 2019 was a relatively normal year for income so we got around half of the full amount in the first round. For this round of stimulus they lowered the top end enough that we won't get anything. None of it takes into account that the whole reason I've been paid at all in 2020 is because of PPP and an EIDL loan for my business, which means that my company has taken on a load of debt to get through. To be fair, it's very low interest, and I have 30 years to pay it back, but it's still a big debt encumbrance on the small business.
So in my on going tax saga I have tried to call the IRS. The local IRS office and I can't get through. In desperation I called HR block who told me to call the local IrS office and that's all they can do .
I have no idea who to contact to figure out if my tax returns were received or what to do.
Oh I was told to wait until I get a letter from the IRS but I don't think that is going to happen .
We have no hot water. Which was discovered at 10:45 last night.
But good news, my parents are scheduled for their first shots on Saturday.
Boo and then yay, Dana.
Clean. Out. Junk. Room. Day.
If I type it, I will make it happen, yes? Yes.
Go go clean out!!!
I am at work this week and I really really want to catch the things I most certainly missed in December and get them knocked out quick.
I don’t want to go to work. I want to go back to sleep. Like my stupid dog who woke me up but is now napping.
Oh I was told to wait until I get a letter from the IRS but I don't think that is going to happen .
IME it will happen but verrrrrrrrry slowly. We had a letter from the IRS in early November telling us we owed them a bunch of money (we don't, our accountant fucked up), and just this week got a follow-up letter saying "We got your letter (2 months ago) but we need some time to process it. Hey BTW did you know you can still pay us just in case you wanted to?")
If I didn't file my taxes and was getting a refund would they send me a letter saying I hadn't filed?
That sucks, askye. I'm sorry.
I have zero interest in working today.
My credit union is apparently just unavailable online today so that's fun and not at all troubling.