Lots of tumor-shrinky~ma for you, Epic!!!
Relevant to the earlier conversation, my mom texted me earlier to say "Don't forget to bring freeloader Tupperware." (As if I *want* leftover Tofurkey.) (Like, Tofurkey is fine, and I do know that when I go to my mom and stepdad's house for Thanksgiving, Tofurkey is on the menu, and I'll eat it. But it makes Tim very happy, and I do love that.) (But when I eat my leftovers at home, it will be with real bird.) (Just chicken. I'm not buying a turkey for leftovers.)
Kate, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Love to you and your family. How are the girls handling it?
We keep cheap plastic containers for whenever we have guests over because they’re required to take food home. I always make way too much food. Speaking of which our Thanksgiving plans fell through so now we’re staying home and I’m cooking enough food for at least a dozen people for just the three of us.
My great-uncle is still in the hospital and is headed to rehab after that. I spoke to my great-aunt the other day, and she’s not holding out much hope that he’ll be able to return home. I feel terrible for her. They’ve been together for something like 70 years.
May your tumor be withered away to an easily handled size, Epic!
I just found out that my cousin who hosts the family Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Solstice get-together is making it an ugly sweater party. I don't wear sweaters, so unless I can fit into the referee's sweater I bought for Halloween in the 90s I'm going to have to decline participation while attending.
Shrinkage~ma, Epic!
One of my coworkers planned a World Cup viewing on the office big screen throughout the tournament. I should have checked to make sure that they included the day before Thanksgiving, because I am sitting in a conference room alone, with a blank screen (the coworker was bringing his Roku). It's a comfortable space and a pretty day for a drive. And I don't mind getting out of the apartment before two days that will be very "do things in the apartment"-centric. But I am a little disappointed that one of my rare sports-bonding impulses is going unrewarded. Oh well, there's worse that happens on a Wednesday.
Oh boo on lack of World Cup! Not that I’ve watched any of it because…MEN’S soccer? Nah. But apparently it’s been exciting!
My Thanksgiving outfit features a Thankful t-shirt, which I will wear with a skort. If I get too warm then I'll switch to a tank top. [link]
I’m at work today trying to get as much done as possible and not just stew in resentment for not taking today off.
One task I will be taking care of is looking up how many use it or lose it days I have this year and getting the request in for those days.
I came in to the office knowing I would never do any work at home, but I am not doing much here, either! Oops.
Wishing you an epically shrunk tumor, Epic!!!
I had a 2-day trip to northern Ohio for a consulting gig and today I’m lurking on my computer all day waiting for copyedit tasks from another gig to come in. Freelance life!
I'm WFH today but I don't really have any work to do. I mean, I sent the one email I needed to, and possibly something else will come up so I'll stay online checking email. Which is basically what I did yesterday in the office.