Shrinkage~ma, Epic!
One of my coworkers planned a World Cup viewing on the office big screen throughout the tournament. I should have checked to make sure that they included the day before Thanksgiving, because I am sitting in a conference room alone, with a blank screen (the coworker was bringing his Roku). It's a comfortable space and a pretty day for a drive. And I don't mind getting out of the apartment before two days that will be very "do things in the apartment"-centric. But I am a little disappointed that one of my rare sports-bonding impulses is going unrewarded. Oh well, there's worse that happens on a Wednesday.
Oh boo on lack of World Cup! Not that I’ve watched any of it because…MEN’S soccer? Nah. But apparently it’s been exciting!
My Thanksgiving outfit features a Thankful t-shirt, which I will wear with a skort. If I get too warm then I'll switch to a tank top. [link]
I’m at work today trying to get as much done as possible and not just stew in resentment for not taking today off.
One task I will be taking care of is looking up how many use it or lose it days I have this year and getting the request in for those days.
I came in to the office knowing I would never do any work at home, but I am not doing much here, either! Oops.
Wishing you an epically shrunk tumor, Epic!!!
I had a 2-day trip to northern Ohio for a consulting gig and today I’m lurking on my computer all day waiting for copyedit tasks from another gig to come in. Freelance life!
I'm WFH today but I don't really have any work to do. I mean, I sent the one email I needed to, and possibly something else will come up so I'll stay online checking email. Which is basically what I did yesterday in the office.
Tumor miniaturization-ma!
I have successfully rendezvoused with DH and kiddo, and am on flight 2/3.
They were boarding two flights at adjacent gates at exactly the same time. The one going to MSP boarded much more quickly than ours, I think due* to wc transfer issues.
* this was originally "thonk die". There are too many vowels right there together on the keyboard.
Safe travels, Debet
My calendar tells me today is Wolfenoot - I forget exactly how you are supposed to celebrate but ISTR recall something about eating meat and maybe having cake? Regardless, happy Wolfenoot!
Epic, I wish you epic shrinkage of that tumor.