Oh no fire! So glad all people got out.
Road work a block from my house started this morning and the dogs are in full protest of the time change and started barking at 6am, 40 min before the alarm.
I have today off and am at the eye dr. Going to a chain place this year, I did not like dr I went to last year and figured cheaper and easier might be fine.
My sister just came in and grabbed a bottle of whiskey for the guy in the middle house. Hope it helps.
Brenda that is really scary.
I voted. There weren't any I Voted stickers. They weren't given any. We all went over together. M's mom asked me who I was going to vote for...I was like "not Republicans" and she was startled. Not sure why. "Not even McMasters??" Especially not McMasters. Then she asked why and I have he]p8r a few bullet point reasons why.
There were lots of signs about what to do and not to do. And one informing everyone that per SC law you can only be at a polling station for a max of 3 mins. I didn't know there were legal time limits.
I also got my car washed. Gave M his birthday card which ended up being more Valentine's looking but that's ok.
Oh no, brenda! Your poor neighbors. And yikes for you. Damn.
WTAF on time limits at the polls?!
That is bizarre and seems very wrong
WTAF on time limits at the polls?!
Seriously! I'm quick because I have my sample ballot all filled out, but you can't read all that in 3 minutes. Craziness.
How scary, brenda! Fire is a constant low level anxiety for me. I'm so glad you and your home are safe, but what a terrifying wake-up call.
...lots of signs about what to do and not to do. And one informing everyone that per SC law you can only be at a polling station for a max of 3 mins. I didn't know there were legal time limits.
Might be referring to this:
www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t07c013.php [link]
SECTION 7-13-760. Time when voter must leave booth and voting place; voter must be alone in booth and must not talk while voting.
No voter, while receiving, preparing and casting his ballot, shall occupy a booth or compartment for a longer time than five minutes. No voter shall be allowed to occupy a booth or compartment already occupied by another, nor to speak or converse with anyone, except as herein provided, while in the booth. After having voted, or declined or failed to vote within five minutes, the voter shall immediately withdraw from the voting place and shall not enter the polling place again during the election.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 23-400.55; 1952 Code Section 23-349; 1950 (46) 2059; 1966 (54) 2340.
Combined with this:
SECTION 7-13-1820. Persons within guard rail; time permitted voters to vote.
After the opening of the polls, the managers of election shall not permit any voter or other person to pass within the guard rail until they ascertain that he or she is entitled to vote, in the manner required by Section 7-13-710, as the case may be, and only one voter at a time for each voting machine at the voting place shall be permitted to pass within or be within the guard rail to vote. No voter shall remain within the voting machine booth longer than three minutes, and if he shall refuse to leave it after the lapse of three minutes, he may be removed by the managers.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 23-422; 1952 Code Section 23-422; 1950 (46) 2059.
In a somewhat expected, but still stinging news, the people who bought my former house are tearing it down to the ground. Like everything, all the trees, the pool, the foundation, everything. All that work that DH did with the floors, closets, kitchen and baths, the pool and patio. All going to dirt. They are building some mansion of some kind. Also sad to say that my first thought was that it was the same thing that Bobby did to my family. So I'll be working on letting it go today.