I just spoke to her. It was a diverticulitis attack.
They can be very painful. I hope the meds work well for her.
I have had very weird dreams this weekend, with people I haven't seen in years.
I used to have these all the time. Party or social gatherings with people known and unknown from distant past and present, or just known from media. A woo woo friend said it was all of our subconscious selves coming together to socialize. That was a nice thought.
Xpost with you, Matt. I agree that it seems in good condition and is both comfortable right away and has plenty of potential for making it yours.
I like it. Is there a place to add a washer/dryer?
I find carports so charming for some reason. Maybe just because they’re uncommon around here. But it seems so convenient.
Its been really warm here. Although M's mom doesn't seem to believe that.
I have had a set back with dizziness and brain fog. I keep thinking it will get better but it hasn't. I'm going to try some things to see if I can make it better.
Tuesday is not only election day but also M's birthday. We are going to vote and then to the sushi place for lunch.
tomorrow I need to go to the dmv after work and also call the dentist. I missed my last cleaning so I really need to get that done but my front tooth has been hurting recently and I'm trying not to freak out about what it could be. I swear I've been taking better care of my teeth but ...maybe I've been fooling myself. I also found a mental health practice that says it has shrinks and psych nurse practioners accepting patients so I need to call them.
I haven't heard anything positive about my worker's comp case. Since late September /Early Oct they were supposed to be figuring out about back payments from partial compensation but the lawyers haven't heard anything . I checked in last week and I also sent them my paychecks. I'm wondering if there is more that could be done by the lawyer (but maybe not) or some kind of pressure that can be put on the worker's comp company because how long does it take for them to do some calculations and cut me a check for back payment and start regular payments?
I like it. Is there a place to add a washer/dryer?
Yes. It's not shown in the interior photos, but that tiny window at the back of the front carport opens into a little laundry alcove off the kitchen. There's room for a stacked washer/dryer unit there, which is probably what I'd get since I'm used to it.
I'm not sure what I'd do with the back carport since I only have one vehicle, but I guess I could buy some outdoor seating or a picnic table for it. Likewise with the shop out back, I don't have any real use for it besides storage at this point, but since it's sturdy and in good repair it's at least potentially a plus. (Unlike the decrepit garage/shop at the last place I looked at, which was just ONE of the dealbreakers that home had.)
tomorrow I need to go to the dmv after work and also call the dentist.
This is like some weird attempt at a Trifecta of Onerous Tasks. Maybe throw in an IRS audit to complete it?
He was so much fun, and in retrospect, the fact that my two favorite friends moved away in 9th grade is probably what led to the crippling depression I experienced then- when I basically just gave up all my friendships with people in my grade.
Oof, I had a conversation recently about the tragedy of Moving Away and how it's treated as inconsequential when, in reality, it's a brutal severing not unlike a death.
Yeah. When I was growing up in a town with 30% unemployment, moving away happened at lot. It felt like I’d just make a friend only to have them leave. It was hard.
There's this curious thing where your teen children separate from you and have their separate lives, but you can still see it.
Fortunately Matilda does not filter her IG account from me (as far as I know) and I can see the pictures her friend Iris took of her downtown tonight, at the Powell Street turnaround for the Cable Car line: [link]
She is her own person, doing her own thing.
What a weird world it is now. When I left the house as a teenager, my parents had no idea where I was or what I was doing. And thank goodness for that!!