It was crazy windy here yesterday. Power was out for a bit and I have done pretty massive tree limbs down. One that is about 18 feet long and somehow fell standing upright. Thankfully that tree is down at the waterline away from the house and I had the rest of the trees trimmed last fall.
We’ve also acquired an extra canoe somehow, loaded with paddles and fishing gear. No idea whose it is. Hopefully they’ve got another one and will come looking.
I got three numbers on the PowerBall. I won $7. Yay.
Woot! But I guess that means you won't be buying Buffista Island quite yet.
Sorry, Andi, but better that they make sure he is ready to go home. How are his spirits?
Mom is in the emergency with some sort of pain. I don’t really know more than that.
I don't like people being in the hospital, but I like people getting help and feeling better.
I just spoke to her. It was a diverticulitis attack. She’s headed home with a ton of medication.
I am so behind! I think things in my head while I am reading, but forget to post, because it is a bit of a pain on my phone. I sort of miss the days of the early 2000s when I had the kind of job where I could read and post most of the day at work!
I am sorry that Daniel is still in the hospital, but I think better be safe. As a fellow diabetic, infection is a big fear.
sj, I hope your mom feels better soon. Diverticulitis is very painful, if my freind Maria's mother is anything to go by.
msbelle, I hope Miley continues to feel better as well.
I have had very weird dreams this weekend, with people I haven't seen in years. In one, I was working an event with my friend Andy (he moved away in the 9th grade and I saw him once more in senior year). It was being run by his mother, but his mom never showed up- and all these other people who were much more organized than we were took over, and it was annoying and not fun anymore. He used to be on Facebook, but I can't find him anymore. We were best friends from the moment we met is 5th grade until he moved away, and I think maybe Stranger Things brought him to my mind, because I was basically the age of those kids and there was literally a group of four geeky boys, and my friend Judy and I (although I don't really identify with either Max or El). He was so much fun, and in retrospect, the fact that my two favorite friends moved away in 9th grade is probably what led to the crippling depression I experienced then- when I basically just gave up all my friendships with people in my grade. So now I am thinking of him.
The canoe is gone! The mystery canoe. Mine is still there.
Glad your mom is home sj. Hope she’s feeling much better and the meds help.
Glad things resolved somewhat less scary than it seemed at first, sj. ~~ma~~ for your mom.
For the first time in my housing search I've toured a home that seems to fit most if not all of my criteria, and didn't have any red flags jump out at me: [link]
It's not love at first sight, but it's cute enough, seems well-maintained, is in a decent neighborhood, and I can see myself being happily ensconced there for a few years if not forever. Now to talk to the bank and see if I can make an offer that works for both me and the sellers.