Apple picking, pumpkin-stuff procurement, bonfires, spooky movies, Fall Festival, corn maze... we're very seasonal! Well done, team.
Hope you get to see the place in person, Matt. Exciting.
Craft show was fun -- didn't stay too long, but I can scoot back tomorrow after I ponder a couple of items I might pick up for holiday gifts.
I was going to go to the NY Art Book Fair in Chelsea today, but I got there, saw how long the line to get in was, and turned around and left. So that was a waste.
Long lines freak me out too, Tom. My mind thinks Covid spread.
I went and got the cat food that I absolutely had to get to avoid being eaten while I sleep and then figured I could go to TJ’s for pumpkiny goodness or maybe a movie or something but as I was driving in that direction the alternative of going home and taking a nap came out of nowhere to win the day. Still more than I usually do on a Saturday, tbh
I did not go to TJs. I am crushingly exhausted. I think the past 2 weeks finally caught up to me. I've been doing nothing but loafing and reading all day. I wish I could nap, but I have to be really sick or really drugged to nap, and I am neither. (You'd think that being exhausted would allow me to nap, but apparently my brain says no.)
So we're figuring out what to order for dinner, and I might wash some dishes.
My realtor came through with a showing at 11am Sunday, which is a conflict if Mom wants to come along and see (she might potentially end up moving in with me at some point, so her opinion has weight) but no problem for a heathen like me.
While it's not love at first sight, this place does have most of the important features I'm looking for—in the right size range, central heat & air, wood floors, big windows that make it light and airy. The bathroom is the big question mark.
Well, that and the suspiciously low cost per square foot. If that's due to construction or plumbing issues, or something like termites or vermin, we have a problem. If it's because it's on a busy, noisy street that backs up at rush hour and drop off/pick up times for the nearby kindergarten, all is good — I live on Main Street with a street musician playing loudly outside my building every weekend and sleep like a baby. If it's because former owners were murdered in grisly fashion on the premises, all is good — I've been reading horror novels since I was in grade school and sleep like a baby.
An inspection will easily answer the questions.
That’s a cute place that I bet you could do up really nice, Matt. Hope the showing answers your questions
Some dishes are washed and dinner is on the way. My only other goal for tonight is to wash the rest of the dishes before I go to bed.
Timelies all!
Woke up at 5 for no reason(other than my stupid brain keeps doing this shit) and didn't really get back to sleep. Went grocery shopping in the morning, and put away the clean dishes/cups/utensils in the afternoon.