Matt I don't think that Alex Jones did anything criminal with the attempt at bankruptcy in Texas. I know that it was dismissed
But last month a judge barred a lawyer and the chief restructuring officer for Free Speech Systems from working the bankruptcy. There was conflict of interest and then the judge deemed that the CRO was deferring to Jones and the other companies instead of just looking out for FSS. The judge also ordered an independent trustee to be involved and Jones just picked a new restructuring officer the beginning of October and that person has been approved by everyone. I'm not sure if there is a new lawyer, the article from late Sept said there was only someone who agreed to serve as co counsel but since everything is moving forward I guess they did.
And I saw Marjorie Taylor Greene was defending Jones and then saying this was political persecution and trampling over his free speech...which really isn't surprising that the extremists are defending Jones.
Garbage humans defending garbage humans for their garbage reasons.
I have no doubt, personally, that he's got all kinds of fraud going on and I would really like to see him jailed for that and all his worldly goods going to pay damages
In lighter news, I forgot that I prefer Peet's pumpkin spice coffee to Starbuck's. No Peet's drive thrus convenient to me, alas, but I splurged on some k-cups for the office and it's very nice (although it pains me a little to be paying for my own coffee to drink in the office)
Happy Birthday, Matt!
I am about the furthest thing from a crafter that a person could possibly be, but I ordered a kit to crochet an amigurumi penguin anyway. We'll see how it goes. (It was delivered today, and Tim took it and inspected it to make sure all the parts were included, so I think I can definitively say he's on the mend.)
Last night I went to Trader Joe's and committed Pumpkin Palooza. Old favorites include cream cheese, ice cream, and coffee. Among new items we have two soups, a pasta sauce, a braising sauce, vingegar, yogurt, blondies and an aray of cookies. The one thing I wanted and missed was pumpkin madelines because c'MON.
Then I totally partied and took my COVID-recovering butt home in a cab 'cuz that shit was heavy.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, gang!
It is unfortunately a working birthday; I felt taking it off at the end of a week-long vacation when I have deadlines already being moved back would be a bit too much. But I'm treating myself to a viewing of Bros tonight, then going out for my birthday dinner with Mom tomorrow.
I did have a pumpkin martini last week. I don't remember what all was in it other than pumpkin vodka and brown sugar on the edge of the martini glass. I feel I deserve much credit for only having one. I ordered Brendon a pumpkin coffee concoction too, but knew that was going to be too sweet for my taste.