My car door handles were frozen yesterday!
Time to fly, Snowbird!
It's Wednesday! Woo!
Our contractor was in the house yesterday as they moved all the heavy furniture around (two things up to the attic, the vintage console to the Garden unit, the Bing Crosby cabinet across the room, the love seat and table up from the Garden unit, move the heavy fridge closer to the counter) in preparation for the big Art Nouveau cabinet.
Now that the windows are finally fixed we can actually start creating the room layouts instead of a chaotic sort of ad hoc situation.
They also snaked out all our plumbing because the draining was really slow, and it helped. Made me think people should just snake their pipes once a year.
Anyway, it's nice to have all that done, but it's also nice to not have to deal with contractors today.
Wednesday is a social day for me. Alembic is closed on Mon-Tues, so I swing by and go in at open (4pm) so I can chat with the bartenders.
And my new favorite bookstore clerk, Eleanor works Wed-Fri, so I usually swing by Borderlands to say hi.
And it's new comics day, so I usually go by Comix Experience and chat with Kat, Zoey & Katie. (This is a routine I got into during the lockdown because I'd walk the length of the Panhandle and then go another two blocks to the comics store, then shop at Bi-Rite and this would give me all my necessary steps.)
Since it's my friend Jes' birthday month, I'll be taking her for drinks at Alembic. Also, I'm kind of friend match-making Eleanor (who has only been in SF for a year since she moved her with her fiance who's in an MBA program), and Jes. So I think I might buy Eleanor a tarot reading with Jes.
Tomorrow I'll be back at Alembic because I'm taking Emmett's gf, and BFF to dinner/drinks. I haven't seen them much since school started, and Kalena started her job. Emmett himself will be on a plane to NYC, traveling with his mother because one of her closest friends is in hospice.
tl;dr: Weds and Thursday tend to be my most social days of the week.
Ha ha, sucks to be Alex Jones. They're announcing the verdicts right now, but the damages to the plaintiffs are already over $800 million.
Edit: Total of over one billion. I hope they take everything he's got and everything he may make in the future.
I hope they take everything he's got and everything he may make in the future.
Fuck yeah! Astonishing that somebody can be held accountable for their cruel and damaging lies.
Couldn’t have happened to a worse asshole.
Of course he's already broke, don't ya know. I wonder how long he can drag this out. At the very least I hope it perhaps stops others who might choose to be so cruel for profit.
Timelies all!
I agree that he should lose everything.
From what I understand Alex Jones isn't as broke as he claims--he's been hiding some money around in different ways. Like when he filed for bankruptcy before the other trial one company he listed as the major company his owed money to was also owned by him. And I think there have been other issues with him trying to escape financial responsibility with shell companies and not being very good about hiding the ownership of the companies.
Although I just read that this award is for compensatory damages which could be discharged if he successfully files for bankruptcy. BUT any punitive damages can't be discharged by bankruptcy and the the punitive damages for Connecticut haven't been decided yet ---which means there will be more damages that Jones owes.
Honestly I'm hoping he does something super illegal while trying to hide funds or move money around and gets criminal charges brought against him.
I just said to my mother that he should be in prison, and she said he should be flogged in a public square, which sounded about right.
I thought his bankruptcy filings in advance of that Texas case were already pretty damn fraudulent?
I'd like to see him rot in jail for the rest of his life, but if he keeps digging himself in deeper with all these courtroom and money hiding shenanigans and becomes a huge siphon for donations that would otherwise go to Far Right politicians, it might be an acceptable consolation prize.