After finally getting that surgical drain removed nearly 2 weeks ago, looks like I'm getting it back. It just won't stop draining. It had slowed nearly to a stop, but suddenly it's started back up with a vengeance
(soaking through my dressing in an hour).
So not something I can ignore and hope will quit on its own. They had no openings in their schedule, so they're having me go in through the ER. My friend is on her way to drive me (I could get there on my own, but if they do anything with any sedation I wouldn't be able to drive home).
Wish me luck...or something.
Smooth-procedure~ma to you, Epic.
Oh, Epic I hope they get you fixed up quickly. Let us know when you can. In the meantime sending the ~ma.
Oh, I’m sorry, Epic. Good luck with the procedure and I hope the whole thing gets resolved more satisfactorily before too much longer.
Oh, Epic that sucks. Tons of ~ma headed your way.
Yikes, Epic! Good vibes your way that everything goes smoothly!
The surgical team can’t do the lung procedure until Friday and don’t want to send Tim home between now and then. And after the procedure he’ll probably be here until Monday.
I mean, there are worse things, but it still sucks. But it’s important to have this procedure, so that’s the plan.
I'm sorry for the extended stay. I hope you are both able to get some decent rest. The procedure sounds like the best plan. One of my dear friend's son had a lung collapse in his 20s. No real reason. The doctors said some people just have more of a tendency for it. Yikes.
Oh, geez, I'm sorry Epic. I hope it goes smoothly.