In the course of which, with everyone in the family present and looking on, it was discovered that my mother had blocked my brother’s number, angrily, at some point, and then apparently forgotten about it. So, every time she reached out, he had been replying, including sending pictures. She didn’t receive any messages because she had him blocked. He didn’t notice she didn’t reply directly to anything he said because he’s kind of clueless and our mother is kind of non-sequitor-y over text in the normal way of things[....]Everyone found this hilarious except my mother, who was embarrassed. I am mostly just amazed she knows how to block people’s numbers.
O'Henry lives!
...and work air conditioner is not exactly working. It's not as hot inside as it is outside but it is unpleasantly warm. Bah.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday flea!
We got home late last night. Mr. S had a total meltdown on the flight back. I need a vacation after my vacation.
Got scheduled for my next booster, it should be the new one. Also got my ac scheduled for his first shot…. Finally.
Oh shit, I need to schedule that booster.
Tim's parents' house got listed for sale today, and it's already had 2 showings today. That seems promising.
I just scheduled my booster for next week! Crossing my fingers it doesn’t hit too hard.
Happy birthday, flea! I hope it was a good one.
I ended up going to the gym tonight, but it was so warm all day, and kind of crowded, and we didn't climb very hard. But at least we went, so go us.
Ginger simple syrup is quite lovely; I might have to make some more soon. I did make my fruitcakes this weekend, and now I have to buy some more (cheap) brandy to dose it with over the next few months.
I’m going to schedule my booster for next week most likely. Let’s hear it for #5..
ION I’m sitting in the Alaska Lounge in Seattle for a few hours. I did get a nice surprise that a friend from undergrad was two gates away when I landed so I was able to run over to give her a hug and say Hello before she boarded her flight to Hawaii. I love unexpected airport encounters.
[looks southeast, waves in ND's general direction]
Appointments here for the bivalent booster were taken within 20 minutes of being opened to the public. My local clinic is as much use as a chocolate firescreen when it comes to providing vaccines, so I'll try the Safeway pharmacy/keep refreshing the page.