It's a meara Monday, which is the very best kind of day! Sending the happiest of birthday wishes to meara. May it be a day filled with delights and may the year to come be the best year to date.
I hope you are feeling much better today, askye, but don't push it. Pace yourself.
Thanks! Sadly not really celebrating today (it’s 730am and I am already in a work meeting) but I took last Friday off for camping, so celebrated early.
Well, many happy returns of the day and I hope you get a little more celebration than you expect today. Nothing wrong with celebrating early, though!
I have made a follow up video appointment iwth my primary care dr. Who I've really only seen once but seemed ok.
I am feeling somewhat better but thought I should try the steroid that the ER prescribed and then realized...I don't know where it is. I may have accidentally thrown it out. I don't know because the last few days are a blur.
The inhaler seems to be working but I wasn't sure if the steroid would work better. I'm also very very fatigued and my arms and legs end up feeling shaky like baby kitten trying to wobble it's way around. Or maybe not that bad but I just feel weak. So I want to ask the dr about that and also the whole- hey I'm only working 3 hours a day but I'm not sure I can stand up./stay awake for that. What should I do?
I also haven't Skype'd with E since before I got sick and I miss him. I'll try to call him today and see if we can chat .
I’m the only one in my division in the office today and I do not feel like working at all. I have set up two meetings for my boss and answered my emails and that seems like more than enough to me.
Bah on this whole working stuff.
Hear hear msbelle
Punctuating that just looks wrong, so I'm not going to