Not cool, Tom. Sorry.
Here in Central NY my sister went yesterday to vote in her primary and they had to dig for the Democrats list because they hadn't had one in for a while. Sigh.
In FL I was pulling for Nikki for the governor's race and Charlie won. I'll vote for him, but I really think he has too much baggage. Bottom line it is going to be a for or against DeSantis result so probably doesn't matter. My hopes and dreams are set on Val Demings taking out Marco Rubio who isn't super popular.
eta: In better election news for my district - "Broward voters on Tuesday agreed to double a special school tax that would go toward increasing teacher salaries, school security officers and mental health resources..."
my congressional candidate lost to a trust-fund baby who spent $4 million of his own money to win
The NY redistricting was such a massive shitshow.
The geriatrician's nurse practitioner can see Dad tomorrow, which is great because my brother is still in town, and I'd like him to be there because he has insight as a mental health professional that I don't have. While acknowledging that he can't ethically diagnose or treat a family member, he still can report what his experience with Dad has been like. Plus it his interactions with Dad are very different from my interactions with Dad, so just on that level, he also has a unique perspective.
I'll be there as well, although I do want to avoid making Dad feel like he's being ganged up on, because that will make him super defensive. (On the other hand, it might be good for the NP to see what Dad acts like when he's being a full-on asshole to his adult children.)
I'm predicting there's a better than 50-50 chance the NP will send him to a psych unit directly from the appointment. According to my brother, the hallucinations occur daily, and last basically all day long. That seems like it needs inpatient care and IV or IM doses of antipsychotics that can hopefully break this cycle.
This part of taking care of your aging parents is so hard.
Anyone else's credit rating just jump 5-7 points?
I feel like I can't be all relieved and happy about it until I find out how it will actually work, but in theory yay!
Hey, I won the ice cream trivia thing over zoom that I wasn't sure I would even go to. I don't think I win ice cream, though.
And that's the last of my meetings for today - seven scheduled for tomorrow so that will be fun. The downside of going on vacation is coming back, for sure.
I hope the meeting produces good results for you and your brother, Steph.
And I'm glad more student loans are being forgiven. It's a good start.