I just skimmed about 100 messages. Oh goodness, friends, you're dealing with so much. My love and support to those who need it. Askye, I'm sorry your workers comp situation has been so fraught. Gud, you are a worthy person who does not deserve to be treated like a burden. David & JZ, I hope your new pigs will be a better fit for Prubs; pet dynamics are so hard. Laura, I just can't imagine a more loving pair of people than you and B. I'm so sorry your younger son is causing you so much pain. Sheryl, I wish you calm-ma and patience and fortitude. I hope the trip is great. Jen, yay for pool exercise! Jesse, dog sitting on a beach in Maine sounds amazing! My mom is visiting a friend on a beach in Maine right now, and she keeps sending me photos and videos and making me jealous. Also, David! That stretch is amazing! Thank you. And Scrappy, I hope it helps your spouse and that you had a very happy birthday.
I'm truly worried about whether our country can survive the propaganda on the right, but I if I think about it too much, I'll have a panic attack. So I'm just going to be very happy about the raid and hope what they find ends in him being barred from public office.
ND just got home. He hasn't slept in way too many hours and has to push through for a meeting tonight, but I'm hopeful he will get a solid night tonight and be able to shift back onto a day schedule without too much stress. Our adorable puppy (Shepherd Book, aka Book) got his final vaccinations today, and he starts his first puppy training class on Saturday. He's four months old and 43 pounds already. He's an adorable, sweet, willful velociraptor at the moment.
Oh! And Erin and I are headed to Tulum on Friday for a last hurrah before I go back to school! I'm so excited. I've traveled this summer, but it's all been for family — this is the only real vacation I've had, and since I already had the 10-days-in-Mom's-guestroom Covid experience this summer, it should be safe. Wish us uneventful travel and good weather!