Glad you are feeling better, Laura! Safe travels. And warm wishes for prosperity for GF’s employers!
Instead of leaping out of bed and getting ready for work I have been googling the winners of the California Milk Council (I think, something like that) pizza contest winners and being bitterly disappointed that while they are all in driving distance from me they do not appear to have the award winning pizzas on their menus. Yet, presumably, but I will not remember to look for them later.
When I finally did get going, I was all set to actually ride to work but made it only a block before realizing that (a) my battery was dead and (b) I need that e-assist to ride into the wind. So bike is at home charging and I drove to work, alas. But I do know I can carry everything I need in my little backpack that hopefully will not be to burdensome for the trip.
A work in progress. Sounds like it will be nice when you get the logistics all configured.
I think so. Fingers crossed that our big announcement today is NOT that we are moving to the office 20 miles away...
Her employer's business burned down, but they are paying full wages for a year while they rebuild.
Glad you're feeling better, Laura.
I have a shoulder that badly needs looking at and I figure that means surgery so I'm waiting for the Boy's international trip to happen because I'll need looking after for a bit, so when he returns.
I just started PT for my shoulder, which better do it, because a coworker had surgery recently and spent a couple of months after her initial leave trying to come back to work and going back out on leave. Yikes!
I’ve actually had two nights of sleep which, according to my shoulder and arm, were good.
So maybe drugs, maybe a jab of steroids and so maybe PT will suffice.
I’m hopeful.
Best wishes that PT is enough, Cass! Shoulders are so often a literal pain
Good luck with PT.
Turns out we got raises. Or I have a raise. Not huge, it's like 30 cents. But a raise. Not that I have much of a check since I have one week of work and all my insurance, 401k etc was taken out. After saying the health insurance was staying the same the premiums went up...around. $50. The deductible didn't change.
I also saw Halloween pillows that came on thr truck the other day. I hope we don't put the out soon because I don't want to hear customers complain about it.
Everyone with health ailments - best recovery/outcomes/treatments.
Back from a short 4 day visit to family in Texas. Had a nice 2 hour visit with Mac. He was sick, he is doing music stuff in his apartment, and he is smoking pot. But he is not dead and things are not as awful as my imagination was imagining. I cleaned a bit as he was wrapped up with a fever. He’s done with the fever and COVID quarantine now so it back at new job and should have a paycheck in a week. HALLELUJAH!!!
Now I’m back at work and there is TOO MUCH. Big go live of a new financial and hr system is next week and it seems to all be a cluster despite this being in progress for 2 years. All of a sudden my dept is being tagged with responsibilities that we were not involved with previously. Everyone is STRESSED and I am trying to lay low.