it's unimaginable while mememe I'm in year 12 of perimenopause with five years of contraception jammed in my arm.
My 76-year-old mom put it best: it doesn't matter if a woman can bear a child or not, because they see all women as nothing more than incubators. That's all we're reduced to, and it's abhorrent.
At least we are down from 40-50 calls a day.
Our neighborhood is a hot one, real estate-wise, but I put the phone on silent while I'm working, until about 7 p.m., and they tend to not leave voicemails. We do get annoying letters in the mail from property flippers who want to buy Stately Beckmeyer Manor, and it ain't gonna happen. We could never buy or even rent for what our mortgage payment is right now. (Tim is all "We should pay the mortgage off!!!" and I have to counter with "Our APR is low and fixed-rate! We need to shove money into our retirement funds while the market is down!")
Today some instructors I support were being . . . challenging about providing stuff I needed to finish up this week's tasks, and I really wanted to tell them, "You're standing between me and drinking until I can't pronounce 'Supreme Court'. That's not a good place for you to be right now." But professionalism prevailed.
Yeah today is just...
I have felt bad today. Tired. I over did it and I got way too overheated yesterday and I'm feeling that. All I've really wanted to do is sleep all day. I'm holding out until 8 and then I'm taking Trazadone.
I did hear from the neuro opthomlogist. I have the first available appointment --Dec 6. Who knows if I'll still be having issues then. I can call back from time to time to see if there are cancelations. I'm not surprised I knew he was booked out.
Ironically, I got my IUD swapped out today and said to the NP that I kind of wanted to give it to someone who needs it more than I do today!
It's been over 20 years since I had to worry about pregnancy. I was married the first time in 1973 and remember well the Roe v Wade decision. The pill was fairly new in the 60s when I first became concerned with such matters. The thought that young women are now to be denied something that I took for granted these last 50 years just seems unreal.
We’re in MA with abortion protection and a guest bedroom.
Timelies all!
Well, fuck. I got nothing else.
I live three blocks from a planned parenthood and have a guest room. IJS.
Lisah that’s awesome that you’re already on the roster. But what a shit reason.
I can't offer anything, being in the shithole we call Texas, but I can offer money.
Meanwhile, my husband's Fox-News-watching parents are here, and MIL just asked me if Louisiana was pro-life. Fortunately, we're watching a movie and FIL shushed her quickly. It's better than Wednesday's reference to "the blacks" and her misgendering of husband's trans cousin.
Dear lord, Dana. Hang in there.