Yeah today is just...
I have felt bad today. Tired. I over did it and I got way too overheated yesterday and I'm feeling that. All I've really wanted to do is sleep all day. I'm holding out until 8 and then I'm taking Trazadone.
I did hear from the neuro opthomlogist. I have the first available appointment --Dec 6. Who knows if I'll still be having issues then. I can call back from time to time to see if there are cancelations. I'm not surprised I knew he was booked out.
Ironically, I got my IUD swapped out today and said to the NP that I kind of wanted to give it to someone who needs it more than I do today!
It's been over 20 years since I had to worry about pregnancy. I was married the first time in 1973 and remember well the Roe v Wade decision. The pill was fairly new in the 60s when I first became concerned with such matters. The thought that young women are now to be denied something that I took for granted these last 50 years just seems unreal.
We’re in MA with abortion protection and a guest bedroom.
Timelies all!
Well, fuck. I got nothing else.
I live three blocks from a planned parenthood and have a guest room. IJS.
Lisah that’s awesome that you’re already on the roster. But what a shit reason.
I can't offer anything, being in the shithole we call Texas, but I can offer money.
Meanwhile, my husband's Fox-News-watching parents are here, and MIL just asked me if Louisiana was pro-life. Fortunately, we're watching a movie and FIL shushed her quickly. It's better than Wednesday's reference to "the blacks" and her misgendering of husband's trans cousin.
Dear lord, Dana. Hang in there.
Less devastating but still annoying news: Nathan Fillion says Joss was always fine with him!
Gee, the straight white man who dwarfs Joss Whedon was never subject to abuse from him on set! Who could have guessed such a thing would be the case?
I'd like to write a story with women of legal age interested in being mothers organizing to quickly seek out the most conservative men they know or can find (with many of them seeking out the sons of politicians/judges) for casual unprotected sex. Once pregnant, suing for child support in amounts to set them and the child for life. With organizations like PP and NARAL and NOW and ACLU funding the suits and making parental financial responsibility for men start at conception and not end until the child is 18. Lobbying at state houses and in Congress for more strict child support laws including seizure of property. If the impregnator was under 18, the parents would be responsible.