Thanks, all, for the good wishes, seat bouncing, and all caps!
I feel like you should leave out milk and cookies for, IDK, someone. Wedding Fairy?
Totally doing this now. Gotta keep 'em happy!
Good vibes to all those renovating.
Sophia, I wish you as smooth as trip as possible.
Sheryl, I hope you can get time with him soon.
Good luck, Sophia! A sandwich bag will be fine.
That must be so hard, Sheryl. I hope you can connect soon.
Happy Wedding Eve, Jen & DP!
Happy Wedding Eve to Jen and her DP - may you both be very happy.
Epic! Glad you are doing well, sounds like, and yay for seeing Hannah Gadsby! State disability always seems to have some kind of hangups that keep iot from being paid out in a timely fashion, I hope yours gets straightened out soon.
Thanks for the update, Epic! It's good to see your pixels.
Do you mean a sandwich bag for toiletries?? I always just have mine in toiletry bags and it's never been a problem. But, anyway, hope travels are smooth sailing! Or flying.
Happy Wedding Day, JenP!!!!!