I realized that coughing during an MRI is not a good idea, so I rescheduled for Friday.
a mandatory "Active Killer/Shooter" training (via Zoom and the last one we had of these was basically a lecture so at least it's not a full drill) in the afternoon and boy do I not want to do that at all.
Ugh to still having covid. And the active shooter drill.
Also sorry about MrS still having so many difficulties.
I had my overdue first mammogram Wed. And Thursday I have to go for an ultrasound for my right booby. There is a nodule they want to check out.
Ooh yeah, coughing during an MRI is no good—nor is testing positive dang! Did you test negative and then back to positive?
I’m afraid to say I avoided covid at my dance weekend but as of yesterday still testing negative and feeling ok, so…yay?
Today I have more jaw Botox. Not super sure how well it worked last time because I still had some issues, but I feel like Jam/Feb/Mar is usually when I have the most issues anyway, so giving it another shot! It’s expensive though, so may not after this.
In better news, Google randomly served up a New Yorker article about a new Hamlet that's opening soon that I am actually very interested in because it aligns with my recent rethinking of what Hamlet is "really about". I am halfway tempted to book a flight out there and buy tickets but that is really not something I can afford in time nor money but it's kind of exciting just to have the thought even if I can't possibly follow through, you know? Maybe somebody could go see it for me and tell me if it's awesome.
I’m afraid to say I avoided covid at my dance weekend but as of yesterday still testing negative and feeling ok, so…yay?
Yay! I'm also feeling fine after my concert on Friday night (which was more heavily attended than I expected but fairly well masked up).
Today we continue the Move Boxes/Talk to Contractors/Talk to Window Repair People etc. chaos which will be in play this entire week.
Nope, been consistently testing positive this whole time. The line is at least getting fainter as of Saturday.
Today we continue the Move Boxes/Talk to Contractors/Talk to Window Repair People etc. chaos which will be in play this entire week.
Welcome to my life! We need to get together after we all are settled and have a boozy celebration. Contractor coming over today to try and establish a sequence of events for renovations. All windows have to go. All old, some cracked, all let in too much of the great outdoors. Front screened porch to be converted to windows, wall between front porch and LR removed to enlarge LR. Narrow impossible stairs replaced with workable stairs since more space to do it in enlarged LR. Half of wall between LR and kitchen removed to have a counter with stools instead. Put in sliding glass doors on back wall of house (in kitchen) and build porch in back of house to woods and firepit area to use instead of the useless porch on street front of house. Renovate bath/laundry area. And that's just the downstairs! Also building garage and decisions about whether to attach, move septic, and so much more. Oh and they want to lift the house to accommodate heated floors and winterizing the plumbing. We would still have to drain everything when we close for season, but at least it wouldn't freeze if we were here and the heat was on.
DH is working like a beast upstairs in the bedrooms today. Vacuuming and cleaning all the things, tossing out the old seriously crappy rugs and replacing with my lovely rugs I brought up from Florida. There is still construction to be done upstairs, like electric and insulating walls and ceilings and such, but that is lower on the list. Of course when we do that the mess will be carted through the already done main floor. Sequence should be upstairs then downstairs by logic, but but but, I live downstairs and really need that done first. Sigh.
And now I am tired! DH flies back to Florida on Thursday so mostly have to line stuff up and I'll do the details, decisions, and supervising going forward. While living and working here!
I'll do the details, decisions, and supervising going forward. While living and working here!
Wouldn't want you to get bored.
Dana, so sorry about the continued positive results. Good that you aren't sick sick, but sucks to have to postpone birthday and other fun stuff.
I am halfway tempted to book a flight out there and buy tickets but that is really not something I can afford in time nor money but it's kind of exciting just to have the thought even if I can't possibly follow through, you know?
Yes, it is like looking at dream houses or vacations. Still fun despite not being an option.
In better news, Google randomly served up a New Yorker article about a new Hamlet that's opening soon that I am actually very interested in because it aligns with my recent rethinking of what Hamlet is "really about". I am halfway tempted to book a flight out there and buy tickets but that is really not something I can afford in time nor money but it's kind of exciting just to have the thought even if I can't possibly follow through, you know? Maybe somebody could go see it for me and tell me if it's awesome.
-t, I saw that production in London in the beforetimes, and it was pretty amazing. (I think Suela saw the same production too.) Though, as the article says, Andrew Scott's performance was pretty integral how I felt about the play, so I imagine this will be still different, even if the staging is the same. The actress who played Lady Sybil in Downton played Ophelia and it's the only time I've thought the caharacter made sense. Now I want to buy a ticket and go see it.
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been lurking, obviously. Still kicking, haven't had the COVID, but I did catch the diabetes last year. (Thank you menopause) I'm doing okay, otherwise, besides missing carbs.