Dana, so sorry about the continued positive results. Good that you aren't sick sick, but sucks to have to postpone birthday and other fun stuff.
I am halfway tempted to book a flight out there and buy tickets but that is really not something I can afford in time nor money but it's kind of exciting just to have the thought even if I can't possibly follow through, you know?
Yes, it is like looking at dream houses or vacations. Still fun despite not being an option.
In better news, Google randomly served up a New Yorker article about a new Hamlet that's opening soon that I am actually very interested in because it aligns with my recent rethinking of what Hamlet is "really about". I am halfway tempted to book a flight out there and buy tickets but that is really not something I can afford in time nor money but it's kind of exciting just to have the thought even if I can't possibly follow through, you know? Maybe somebody could go see it for me and tell me if it's awesome.
-t, I saw that production in London in the beforetimes, and it was pretty amazing. (I think Suela saw the same production too.) Though, as the article says, Andrew Scott's performance was pretty integral how I felt about the play, so I imagine this will be still different, even if the staging is the same. The actress who played Lady Sybil in Downton played Ophelia and it's the only time I've thought the caharacter made sense. Now I want to buy a ticket and go see it.
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been lurking, obviously. Still kicking, haven't had the COVID, but I did catch the diabetes last year. (Thank you menopause) I'm doing okay, otherwise, besides missing carbs.
Oh, thank you, Sue! I'm so glad to hear that. IMDB is teasing me with the existence of a filmed version of the Andrew Scott version, if I could find it I'd be very pleased but just hearing about it is pretty good. I'd never put too much thought into Ophelia, other than wondering how nonsensical her nonsense really is - it's nice to hear that someone else did pay some attention to her! Also, nice to see your pixels!
I'm not sure, but I think those are actually jorts jamps
EtA I like that they are dated
Welcome to my life! We need to get together after we all are settled and have a boozy celebration.
An excellent plan! Even without renovations.
Btw, my friend Jes is going through a bad break-up so I loaned her the Judy Garland box you gave me to get her through the worst of it. (She's a big Judy fan.)
We're basically on the flight path now where things have to happen in certain order at a certain time so there's no tolerance built in for slacking. Tomorrow the contractor comes over and unbolts all the shelving on our living room walls (all the CDs/DVDs/LPs etc.) so we've been clearing out the Wall O' Media.
Once that happens we can have movers take over boxes of books and book shelves and a few tables. Once that happens we can have the floor redone in the apartment kitchen before Emmett & Kalena move in. Once that happens we can host Jon B. in our garden apartment.
Sue! Hi. I wave in your general direction.
Hi Sue!!
Ok, I have more Botox in my jaw!! Here’s hoping it clearly helps or not—it was hella pricey (I got a little more than last time). Which is a price I could (reluctantly) afford if I had to but definitely not for something that only vaguely works. So we shall see! It takes a little while to kick in.
Clearing the Wall O' Media will be quite the accomplishment. I moved several bins of books up here, but son doesn't really want most of them. Will need to sit down with him and his girlfriend (who wants way more than he does), and there are some I want. No doubt I will have to find someplace else to give a bunch of them.
Hi Sue!
Timelies all!
Ended up with another bad evening and a trip to the ER for Mr. S. Tonight's not going much better, as he is destroying the door to his room. We're at our wits' end here.