Timelies all!
Another day another disaster. I took Mr. S to the neighborhood pool for the afternoon. He did his usual refusing to get out of the pool and breaking a series of promises. One of the lifeguards had to help get him out of the pool area, and he was hitting, kicking, spitting at and trying to bite her and me. As a result, he has been banned from the pool for the season.
Oh, that is rough, Sheryl.
Yay for moving! Still quite the work in progress here.
Oh, Sheryl, I'm so sorry.
Oh no Sheryl, at the beginning of the season! How frustrating.
Ugh Monday.
I would like to not work and sleep please. Why for?!?
I am doing the least today. Minimal effort. If there was a couch in the office behind me I’d def take a nap at lunch.
Still testing positive, so that's fun. I'm torn about what to do. I'm okay wearing a mask around people, but I have an MRI tonight and I really don't want to wear a mask for that. And of course I haven't been wearing a mask around husband.
Oh, dear, Dana, I don't know what's best. Good luck deciding, I guess
With you, msbelle. I am so not into the todayness of today. I have mey regular Target meeting at 11 which I am finding it more difficult than usual to pull together the information for and then a mandatory "Active Killer/Shooter" training (via Zoom and the last one we had of these was basically a lecture so at least it's not a full drill) in the afternoon and boy do I not want to do that at all. Didn't go for a bike ride before work because I decided to start work early instead, which increases the chances of my being ready for this damn meeting but makes my day less good. In conclusion, bah, possibly even humbug.
I realized that coughing during an MRI is not a good idea, so I rescheduled for Friday.
a mandatory "Active Killer/Shooter" training (via Zoom and the last one we had of these was basically a lecture so at least it's not a full drill) in the afternoon and boy do I not want to do that at all.
Ugh to still having covid. And the active shooter drill.
Also sorry about MrS still having so many difficulties.
I had my overdue first mammogram Wed. And Thursday I have to go for an ultrasound for my right booby. There is a nodule they want to check out.
Ooh yeah, coughing during an MRI is no good—nor is testing positive dang! Did you test negative and then back to positive?
I’m afraid to say I avoided covid at my dance weekend but as of yesterday still testing negative and feeling ok, so…yay?
Today I have more jaw Botox. Not super sure how well it worked last time because I still had some issues, but I feel like Jam/Feb/Mar is usually when I have the most issues anyway, so giving it another shot! It’s expensive though, so may not after this.