M's mom home came home with a kitten. To keep. For those keeping coun this would be a fifth cat. Which we don't need .
He looks like a mini Jorts. Except not as orange. Not sure his age.
M's mom keeps saying "now I have a cat of my own". Except if she'd been patient with Scrappy she would have had his devotion.
So now we have 5 cats. M is already on the side of the kitten. He is thinking of names. I know the kitten is here to stay but naming it seems very final. Until it's named I can pretend there is a chance to give him back.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I spent it flying home, so I will reschedule my birthday for a later date.
Excellent plan. Glad you made it home at last.
Game night was a blast.
Downstairs recovered as of a few minutes ago.
I feel like I have had a productive day - took myself to another brunch (that’s 3 in 2 weeks, this pace is not sustainable, but yum), picked up the running shoes that I talked myself out of buying in March but talked myself back into after running cheap-ass shoes for a couple of months, and hit the gym. Gym after brunch is not the smartest move, ftr, but it’s done. And new shoes are waaaaaay comfier.
And new shoes are waaaaaay comfier.
Worth the money!
JZ and I spent the morning packing up stuff and driving it over to the new house.
We have to clear out our media shelves in the living room because they're getting unbolted on Tuesday.
But we don't have to move everything ourselves. We can box up a lot of stuff and have movers take stuff over later this week. We've definitely reached the chaotic zone.
Timelies all!
Another day another disaster. I took Mr. S to the neighborhood pool for the afternoon. He did his usual refusing to get out of the pool and breaking a series of promises. One of the lifeguards had to help get him out of the pool area, and he was hitting, kicking, spitting at and trying to bite her and me. As a result, he has been banned from the pool for the season.
Oh, that is rough, Sheryl.
Yay for moving! Still quite the work in progress here.
Oh, Sheryl, I'm so sorry.
Oh no Sheryl, at the beginning of the season! How frustrating.
Ugh Monday.
I would like to not work and sleep please. Why for?!?
I am doing the least today. Minimal effort. If there was a couch in the office behind me I’d def take a nap at lunch.