Grr. The Walgreen’s pharmacist won’t do my Covid booster and second shingles back at the same time. “Too much for your system”.
I had them together last time, the recommendations are that the can be done together, and that line is so close to woo that it makes me instantly suspicious even though I typically consider pharmacists as solid sources of guidance.
Ah, missed that the Texas law only applies to massive sites. So, nvm, that. I mean, it still could make sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc unusable, but not little sites.
Oh, that reminds me, I'm due for some other shot. Tetanus, maybe? I should get on that.
I am very much in the minority wearing a mask on this plane.
When I fly to Vegas this fall I'm anticipating having having Reverend Kane from Poltergeist 2 shout "You're gonna die in there! All of you! You're gonna DIIIIIEEE!!!" in my mind the whole way.
Thank you for the reminder to order masks and tests before I travel in a couple of weeks.
(Although I guess on that note, hi! I’ll be in LA next week. Work, but I’m staying over Friday night with no current plans other than a nice dinner on a patio somewhere. Downtown though.)
Brenda, text me the details! Drew will be out of the country, but I will be around.
My Dad was discharged today and will be getting some home health PT. And he’s still a giant asshole who can go fuck himself. I am dreading going back to Ohio tomorrow.
Timelies all!
Gary and Mr. S got home around 6:30 yesterday. The rest of the evening went fine, though Mr. S went to bed a little later than normal.(He did stay asleep and slept until 7 this morning.) Gary had to go in to the office today, so I stayed home with Mr. S. Played Legos for a good portion of the day. Mostly a good day.(We let him go outside if he was masked. Unfortunately, that meant the neighborhood kids didn't want to play with him. He then rode his bike all over the place, and I had a hard time getting him to go in the house. Sigh...)