That’s hard Sheryl.
Y’all I’m at the bar of the hotel we had the seattle f2f in! It didn’t occur to me (the restaurant has changed) but then when I had to go downstairs to use the restroom I was like “wait this is familiar…”. Awww. Good times. I miss y’all. And miss hanging out with groups of fellow weirdos.
I am taking a train up north of Philly today for my niece's graduation. I love trains! It's been so long. Also, yay, seeing family, but right mow, it's mostly, "Yay, trains!" I like Union Station, but I miss the big, square sitting things. Oh, well. Hoping the convenience store has cards...
Yay trains! What big square sitting things?
I hope yesterday wasn’t too terrible and today is ok, Sheryl. Worried about you and your family.
I took a sick day yesterday since I had a little bit of a fever and while we don’t have a temperature check to get into the office anymore, telling my boss my temp was high got a hearty “stay home!” and my laptop was at the office so I couldn’t wfh. Back to normal this morning and I could go pick up my laptop and come home but I think I will see what being in the office when most people are not is like. That sounds pretty nice.
Yay trains! Stay safe.
Boo, positive. I'm sorry.
Too many people I know coming up positive. DH just took a home test because he was feeling crappy and is around HS kids all the time. Negative, so just normal feeling crappy.
Sorry about the positive result.
I know so many people coming up positive recently. Be careful out there folks! Really wishing I didn’t have to go to LA next week.
(Although I guess on that note, hi! I’ll be in LA next week. Work, but I’m staying over Friday night with no current plans other than a nice dinner on a patio somewhere. Downtown though.)
Sheryl I hope that y'all can get some rest and some better options for Mr S.
Gud I shouldn't be surprised but I always am when the GOP will in one breath argue for businesses to do what they want and free market blah blah and in the next do anything they can to restrict businesses and control what they can and can't do.
I don't think it will really go anywhere, but these days you never know. If it does go somewhere, I think we'd want to make the board private to avoid liability.
We're practically private anyway, so I'd be ok with that.
Sorry about the positive result, msbelle. I hope you have a mild case.