Watched Apocalypse Now Redux and it made me want to watch the original cut again. Really felt like a case of less is more.
My family quotes the "what, don't you like brandy?" / "I like brandy, I just don't want any right now" bit all the time because it's such an inane and pointless exchange and we all understand *completely* why it didn't make it into the original film.
Timelies all!
Another bad night for Mr. S, another trip to the ER. They're still there, and I'm worried.
Sheryl I am so sorry. It is very hard. I hope you and the doctors find some medicine and therapy balance that works.
Oh man, best wishes, Sheryl.
This is interesting
I don't think it will really go anywhere, but these days you never know. If it does go somewhere, I think we'd want to make the board private to avoid liability.
{{{Sheryl}}} I'm so sorry.
Teppy, I'm sorry your dad is being so obstinate.
Oh Sheryl, it is just so hard. You and Gary must be completely exhausted. I'm sure it is also incredibly frustrating for Mr S. I do hope a solution is found for your family.
That’s hard Sheryl.
Y’all I’m at the bar of the hotel we had the seattle f2f in! It didn’t occur to me (the restaurant has changed) but then when I had to go downstairs to use the restroom I was like “wait this is familiar…”. Awww. Good times. I miss y’all. And miss hanging out with groups of fellow weirdos.