I'm sorry, sj. It is good that you were with him. Rest now and be comforted by the loving memories.
I don't want to think about the state of our world. I listen to news because I can't help myself, but then bury myself in fiction.
{{meara}} How incredibly frustrating. I hope you can catch a nap before the massage!
Ugh, meara definitely not a great start to the day.
ltc insisted on going to school today. So, she’s there but both her and her teacher are aware that I will come get her anytime it gets to be too much. TCG offered to stay home with me today, but I sent him to work. I haven’t slept much the last couple weeks worrying and I’m just going to rest today. He’ll come home at lunch to make sure I remember to eat.
Sending love and comfort to Epic and sj. I'm so sorry for your loss, sj, and I'm so sorry for your difficult year to come, Epic.
Epic, if you need anything from us, meal delivery, grocery delivery, etc, please know we’re here to help.
sj, I'm so sorry. Quiet time to yourself sounds just right today.
My condolences to you and your family, sj.
I'm sorry for your loss, sj. Much peace to you and your family.
Epic, that sounds very hard, but I'm glad you have a plan in place.
ION, in her second to last game of the season (where her team is winless), Matilda hit a home run! Drilled it over the centerfielder's head. The other team's coach inquired if she would be interested in a summer tournament team, but she can't because she's working all summer.
It's been frustrating for her this year because all of her teammates missed two years of games, practice and development and the pitching especially has been walking so many players they lose just on that. (Though the senior pitchers have put in much extra practice on their own, but there's only so much you can do after two years of nothing.)
Anyway, as a Sophomore she's already in a position of leadership on the team. But unfortunately most of her teammates are graduating Seniors so they'll have to start anew next year, and might have trouble getting 9 girls who will play. Hopefully we get a good crop of Freshman who played in Middle School (as Matilda did).
Yay Matilda! But that does sound annoying.
Work is making me crazy today. It was already a lot but then (a) someone didn’t tel me important info and now o have a shit ton of paperwork to do to explain why we didn’t do things the way we were supposed to because I didn’t know we had to do it that way, and (b) some peoples emails just aren’t showing up for me. Not in spam, just…never coming through. Important emails. Wtf.