Yay Matilda! But that does sound annoying.
Work is making me crazy today. It was already a lot but then (a) someone didn’t tel me important info and now o have a shit ton of paperwork to do to explain why we didn’t do things the way we were supposed to because I didn’t know we had to do it that way, and (b) some peoples emails just aren’t showing up for me. Not in spam, just…never coming through. Important emails. Wtf.
(Add in that I didn’t get enough sleep and that this country seems to be going to hell in a handmaid’s basket, and I am really feeling like screaming and like the massage I’m signed up for later is not going to be as helpful as I need!)
sj, my heart is with you. I agree that quiet time is a blessing during times like these. Lightness of heart be available when you are ready.
The world is awful, but I'm still going to ask for ~ma and vibes for best possible outcomes.
I just came from the property manager's office and she offered to let me out of the lease with 30 days notice and one month's rent. She _could_ not charge me at all, but I'm just glad for the chance to be free. I've already spent so much on trying to make this work already.
AND, I just found out two days ago that there will be a high-rise building going up...you guessed it...RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET...starting in July.
The property manager says nobody knew. The neighborhood civic association says that is bull. I don't have the energy to fight it yet again.
But, this means I am back to square one, with a lower credit rating (based on the many thousands I spent already) and no idea where to go.
And, along with the ego death of buying a cellphone I am thinking of figuring out how to have a car now. So much change.
Is fb down for anyone else?
Up for me, but not in Chrome--it's been stubbornly refusing to function on that platform for at least the last week.
It's working for me in Chrome on a Mac.
Also, in Chrome on my Android. (Still feel so weird to say that.)
I have missed a lot, but
Epic- I am giving you lots of `ma
sj- I am so sorry for your loss, and so glad you got to be there (if that is what you wanted.)
askye- many vibes
beekaytee- that seems like possibly the best possible result, but it still sucks.
Anyone I missed, I am so sorry- I am sending out vibes for all.
I recently switched from using Chrome to Firefox and a lot of the glitches and problems I was having with FB...(technical stuff) haven't been happening. ..
Some tiny good news? In the GA govener primary race David Perdue is trialing Kemp by almost 40 points. Trump has been backing Perdue.
I don't want Kemp to be Gov again but Trump hates him and Trump's guy is trailing and I will take a tiny bit of happiness behind that.
Walked home after a long day with a smile on my face. When I went to Amy's memorial, I wanted to take the UNC Recycling coffee mug that she had suprise gifted me after I admired hers at an F2F. I couldn't find it. I was upset with myself because I thought I'd gotten rid of it in a half-assed Marie Kondo moment where I donated a bunch of stuff, including several coffee mugs.
Fast forward to tonight when I'm in my office (we just went back to the office last month) and I was putting something on the bookshelf where I keep my "kitchen" stuff and it was THERE! I'd forgotten that I brought it to work because it had a screw lid and was good for taking to meetings!!! So, I not only have my mug, I got to remember the great feeling of opening a random package and enjoying Amy Preble's love.