I hope you can find a way to rest and recharge, sj. It takes a lot of you, all the big emotions.
I got my Moderna 2nd booster yesterday after having Pfizer for everything earlier, and I was braced for nasty reactions but it hasn't been too bad. I am vaguely weak and tired and have a bit of an elevated temperature, but not as bad as I expected. I am WFH today, though, and thinking about straight up taking a nap shortly.
I'm glad you were able to see your Papa, sj.
My department is getting an award at work, and there's this whole business dress ceremony thing involved. I'm wearing a dress, a jacket, and hose. I haven't worn hose since my job interview here. So strange. But kinda nice to get a bit fancified.
I'm watching Bridgerton S2, which is a little distracting.
Welp, I'm all out of steam but I have a meeting at 1 that I feel like I should try to stay awake for. Ugh.
sj, distraction can be good. Hugs to you and your family.
Much love to you, sj.
DP is home, happy, and resting. Is good.
Thanks everyone. I have to distract my brain constantly lately because when there is silence my brain starts obsessing over things that we do for the last time without knowing it in a sort of “fruit punch” way.
Jen, that is good to hear about DP.
I had my neurology appointment. I am tentatively going back to work in 2 weeks. PT had been extended for 6 weeks and they need to do an assessment of some kind (I can't remember the name ) to see what my limitations are. I made sure to have her say I can't go back to work until she sees the results of the assessment, so workers comp won't delay things. Also that I'll need transportation to and from work. She asked me about my case worker and I told her I dont have one. Just the guy who is in charge of paying stuff. So I'm not sure how things will get arranged.
I'll go back 3 hours a day 3 days a week, but if that becomes too much I need to tell her.
I'm nervous, mostly because ...a lot of changes at work. New store manager (he used to be an assistant manager at the store and I like him but don't know his style well) new assistant manager, new team lead etc. Plus I'm worried just walking from the employee entrance to the lockers is going to kick in brain fog.
I've slacked off on walking so I need to make sure I get more walking in.
But I've seen a lot of improvement in the past month or so. I wasn't left drained after the neurology appointment.
Also she is going to send in another referral to.a neuro opthomlogist and knows the one in Asheville by name so is going to be specific. Although it could be months before I can see him.
Sj it's always sudden and hard. Even though Grandma Edith was 101 it still wasn't enough time.