Telling the people you love how much you hate them being angry at each other and making it about you may be a good way to divert their attention toward solutions.
In this case, at least, one of the people is already there and embarrassed that I'm in the middle, and the other person would take anything like that like a Molotov cocktail, so it's up to all the thoughtful diplomacy I don't have.
I hope the family visit goes better than anticipated.
It'll probably go fine; it's just gonna be stressful getting up there! My mom is already fully on board with the "My birthday, my choices" POV and has decided to just be unbothered by her sister. She wants the kind of event she wants (decidedly NOT the multi-city celebration caravan this woman who really should know her better after knowing her for a literal lifetime wanted) and that's that. And I guess maybe it's lucky that I've got such epically blown-up bridges and flaming Molotov cocktails elsewhere that I won't have the brainspace to flail pointlessly at peacemaking between them; I'll be too busy to do anything but let their relationship and my aunt's hurt feelings slide and work themselves out or not.
beekaytee, fingers crossed that the professional ozone treatment does its job. I'm so glad you and Cagney have a safe space to wait it out, and I'm vibing for a whole lot of zero-stress time ahead because you've more than earned it.
~ma and hugs to everyone that needs them. I’ve been reading along, but I’m low on spoons for responding right now. I’m spending every spare minute I have right now at my grandfather’s apartment with him, Mom, and Stepdad. Which is both wonderful and exhausting. ltc is on vacation this week but has spent the last couple of days with my in-laws. So, I’ve had extra time to be here.
It's good that you have been able to arrange to have more time with your grandfather, sj. I hope ltc is enjoying the spoiling at your in-laws.
So glad you're getting that time with him that you need.
Thanks. It’s definitely a blessing to spend this time with him. His body is failing, but his mind is sharp. So we’re going through pictures and talking about recipes, etc.
beekaytee, fingers crossed that the professional ozone treatment does its job. I'm so glad you and Cagney have a safe space to wait it out, and I'm vibing for a whole lot of zero-stress time ahead because you've more than earned it.
Bless. I'm ready for that! I'll post pictures once it's all done. I'm just voting for a positive outcome and will do whatever that takes. Even if it means running the machine again. The expert said 24-48, so I won't fret if more is required.
beekaytee, I am sending the clean~air~ma in abundance. Good to know about the Tyson's Corner destination. That is on the route I take twice a year and pet friendly accommodations are always helpful.
Thanks, Laura. All good vibes gratefully accepted. And, I genuinely endorse this place. Tell them Cagney sent you. The staff here now will remember!
Thanks. It’s definitely a blessing to spend this time with him. His body is failing, but his mind is sharp. So we’re going through pictures and talking about recipes, etc.
Warmest wishes for the beauty of this time, sj.
I’ve posted a few pictures of Nana and Papa on Twitter. Nana died nearly 30 years ago. I’m not posting them on Facebook right now because relatives can be exhausting.
Catching up a bit. So many of us are in the midst of adulting. Kind thoughts to all of you.
I’ve also been struggling. I’ve been mostly able to gather enough spoons to get through the days, but nothing really beyond that. Working on navigating getting some mental health support, but as so many of you know that is also profoundly exhausting with each step of the process having another group of gate keepers before hopefully getting to some real help.
Sending out all the vibes of support and strength - there's a lot going on here for everyone.