Today is a day to celebrate the birth of Tom Scola! We are so grateful to have you in our lives, Tom. I hope that this year is the very best year yet.
Sheryl, I am sorry it is so difficult and exhausting. I'm sure it is more than doubly so when Gary is away. I wish I had some actual advice, but I do believe it will get easier as Mr. S grows and learns to control his actions more effectively.
I’m staying with my bff this weekend and her six year old and my god I am so glad I do not have a child as a solo parent. This kid is exhausting. Exhauuuuusting.
Yes, even when they're being good, they are exhausting. Right now ltc is diagramming various pieces of furniture in the house for her journal. I have no idea why, but it is keeping her busy. She is sick again and is overly energetic on steroids and nebulizer treatments.
Ugh. Mass shooting in Sacramento.
6 dead, 9 injured.
Yeah, I’ve been following that. I know I shouldn’t be surprised when these things happen again and again but it’s still shocking, somehow, as well as terrible.
Timelies all!
Thanks for the hugs.
Today's been a little better. For one thing, I got a reasonable amount of sleep.(I ended up taking some Children's Benedryl, since that's what was around, and it helped.) I need to go retrieve Mr. S from where he's playing-probably at a neighbor's house-soon.
Good morning! It is the future here because at home it is so early in the AM but I am on the east coast and it is later. And I have to work today which is fine because I don’t have to do it at 7am….I can leisurely start at 10am and still have people feel like I’m on “early”! Love it.
Good morning! Stupid crazy Monday morning for this east coast girl. Just getting a moment to fill my coffee cup. Why be Monday?
It is being a particularly Mondayish Monday here. The storm last night kept us up half the night and my tea is broken.
I went to get dressed this morning and stared blankly at the short I was about to put on thinking "how did that hole get there?" before realizing that that was where my arm was supposed to go. So, yeah, Monday.
oh, -t, I've had times like that ... such as the night I couldn't figure out how to unlock my apartment door to get out
In other news, you were looking for other forms to tell the future - seems there used to be Czech fortune-telling dice